Saturday, September 19, 2009
china confidential
Al Qaeda Threatens Terror Attacks in Germany
More Pressure on Israel Over its Nuclear Program
As China Confidential has repeatedly warned, the push to link Israel's nuclear program with the Iranian nuclear issue is gathering steam. There is a concerted effort to isolate and demonize the only democracy in the Middle East, as shown by the following report:Arab states in the U.N. nuclear assembly on Friday won narrow approval of a resolution urging Israel to put all its atomic sites under U.N. inspection and join the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The Jewish state deplored the measure for singling it out while many of its Islamic neighbors remained hostile to its existence, and said it would not cooperate with it.
The non-binding resolution, which passed for the first time in 18 years of attempts thanks to more developing nation votes, voiced concern about "Israeli nuclear capabilities" and urged the International Atomic Energy Agency to tackle the issue.
Continue here.
Some influential members of the Obama administration secretly support the movement to pressure Israel over its nuclear program. They have no chance of succeeding; instead of preserving the peace, attempts to appease and align with Islamist Iran and Islamism in general will make war inevitable. Cornering Israel and allowing missile-mad, Islamonazi Iran time to develop nuclear bombs and warheads will only increase the likelihood of nuclear weapons being used in the Middle East.Is Catastrophic Climate Change Coming?
A hot new film argues that manmade climate change is both real and certain to destroy our civilization. The Age of Stupid is a feature-length documentary disguised as a futuristic thriller. Click below to view the trailer.
The film is being released at a time when a growing number of people, including scientists and climate experts, are expressing skepticism about manmade global warming, wondering aloud if the earth is still warming or has actually begun to cool, and, even if it is warming, if human activity is really the primary cause.
Regardless of one's opinion, no issue (apart from nuclear proliferation and the rise of radical Islam) is so potentially menacing--on many levels. If the Stupid producers are right, nations need to mobilize and, well, move heaven and earth, to save the planet; and cutting carbon emissions should be Job One. If they are wrong, however, and carbon dioxide is not pollution, then, we are essentially victims of a huge hoax, or scam--one that could cripple industries and pauperize people by choking off energy supplies and raising energy prices across the board at the worst possible time. Remember: our way of life and economies were built and are still based on cheap energy, especially oil and gas. A sizzling topic that cries out for the most serious discussion, debate, and analysis....Obama's Betrayal of Eastern Europe
By E. Thomas McClanahan, Kansas City Star editorial page columnist
Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl nailed it: President Barack Obama’s decision to scrap missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe “turns back the clock to the days of the Cold War, when Eastern Europe was considered the domain of Russia.”
You can be sure that Poland and the Czech Republic, where the missile facilities would have been based, have gotten the message, even as temporizers in Washington pretend Obama’s move was deft and clever.
The lead headline in a Polish newspaper declared, “Betrayal! The U.S. sold us to Russia and stabbed us in the back.” A Czech business paper concluded, “an ally we rely on has betrayed us, and exchanged us for its own, better relations with Russia …”
Continue here.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Click here for the story about the bizarre but credible, threatening video message--in German from a young German national believed to be hiding out with Al Qaeda in lawless Pakistan--and below to watch it.
posted by Confidential Reporter @ 3:47 PM links to this post
POSTSCRIPT: In the meantime, seemingly cool companies--such as Apple--could be contributing to global warming. Humanity's hunger for electronic devices is driving demand for electricity; and carbon-emitting, coal-fired power plants are prime producers of electricity--accounting for more than half the electrical generation in the United States, for example.
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Britannia Radio