BBC Today programme: asylum seekers, Calais Feral youths: How a generation of violent, illiterate young men are living outside the boundaries of civilised societyA selection of recent media reports
Sir Andrew Green was interviewed on the Today Programme at 8.35 this morning about the asylum seekers' camp near Calais, together with Donna Covey, the Chief Executive of the Refugee Council.
Migration Watch UK Editorial Blog Site (19-Sep-2009)September 19, 2009
The first time I saw Tuggy Tug, he was standing on a street corner in Brixton with half-a-dozen other 15-year- old boys. They were scowling at anyone who walked past Every now and then, they shrugged up their hoodies to make themselves look more threatening.
Daily Mail (18-Sep-2009)
Sunday, 20 September 2009
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Britannia Radio