IT IS FOR THE BRITISH TO SAY WHO'S ALLOWED TO LIVE HERE EUROCRATS TO CONTROL BRITAIN'S BORDERS Riot police clash with demonstrators at anti-Muslim protest Migrant's son heads to school Firms fined £35,000 over illegal workers RBS accused of importing cheap foreign labourA selection of recent media reports
IT IS difficult to conceive of a body that could make a worse hash of running immigration policy than the present Government. until, that is, one learns that the European union is applying for the job.
Daily Express (12-Sep-2009)
BRITAIN will be forced to take in an extra 30,000 ref ugees a year as part of an EU bid to seize control of our immigration system, the Daily Express can reveal.
Daily Express (12-Sep-2009)
Hundreds of Asian youths threw rocks, bottles and fireworks at riot police tonight as anger over a demonstration by anti-Muslim groups spilled onto the streets of Harrow.
The Independent (11-Sep-2009)
Just like the other children in his class at a Bromley primary in south London, 6-year-old Kevin Vitorino put on his new green and grey uniform, complete with matching bookbag, and headed to school this week.
BBC News (11-Sep-2009)
Aberdeen restaurant boss slams cash...
Evening Express (11-Sep-2009)
Royal Bank of Scotland was yesterday accused of blatant abuse of the immigration system by importing cheaper foreign labour to replace redundant workers.
The Herald_uk (10-Sep-2009)
Saturday, 12 September 2009
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Britannia Radio