Why will no one help the unemployed minorities? Alan Johnson to unveil limits on UK jobs for foreign workers | UK news Asylum-seekers hit by huge rise in homelessness 'Myths' threaten racial harmony Ugly scenes at right-wing demoA selection of recent media reports
After three years chairing a task force, Iqbal Wahhab despairs of the government's disregard for black job seekers
Guardian (06-Sep-2009)
Alan Johnson, the home secretary, will tomorrow unveil plans to restrict British jobs going to skilled workers from overseas amid concerns about the impact of the recession on attitudes towards immigration.
Guardian Unlimited - The Observer (06-Sep-2009)
Faster processing of applications deprives many of state support and forces them on to the...
The Independent (06-Sep-2009)
Race relations in the uk are under threat from a series of ill-informed myths according to a new book by two of the country's leading experts on the topic.
The Sikh Times (05-Sep-2009)
THERE were angry clashes in a city centre today as right-wing protesters fought with anti-fascist campaigners in a busy shopping street.
The Sun (05-Sep-2009)
Monday, 7 September 2009
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Britannia Radio