Strange Days Indeed, By Francis Wheen TAX RISES WILL JUST BE SQUANDERED ON ARMIES OF PARASITES POPULATION WILL SOAR TO 70 MILLION, STUDY WARNS BRITAIN MUST ALLOW IN THOUSANDS MORE REFUGEES, SAYS EU Wembley store faces fines after immigration raid More homes for refugees as Europe aims to end people-trafficking Migration and Population: Getting beyond rhetoric The world over, people trafficking is the result of not addressing illegal immigration Population of UK will hit 70 million, warns think tank In Pakistan, 97 percent of marriages take place to attain foreign nationality 1 IN 5 KILLERS IS A MIGRANT Young teens trafficked to Ireland for sex trade International students may spurn UK because of new visa rulesA selection of recent media reports
If you can remember the 1970s then you were probably there. Francis Wheen's account of the decade that gave birth to much that is modern is a page-turner.
The Independent (04-Sep-2009)
LIKE an alcoholic hooked on the bottle, Gordon Brown is addicted to grabbing our cash.
Daily Express (03-Sep-2009)
HOME Office claims that Britains population will be limited to below 70 million were demolished by a new study yesterday.
Daily Express (03-Sep-2009)
BRITAIN and other European nations must accept a massive new wave of refugees from Africa, the EU s most senior immigration official said yesterday.
Daily Express (03-Sep-2009)
A WEMBLEY cash and carry could be fined as much as £30,000 after a raid uncovered three illegal workers. Immigration officials raided Rafiki Wholesale, in Fourth Way, on Thursday, arresting three Indian men, aged between 23 and 45, for a number of offences, including entering the country without leave and...
This is Local London (02-Sep-2009)
Europe is planning to take more refugees under a common resettlement scheme launched yesterday that aims to end people-trafficking from the worlds conflict zones.
Times Online (02-Sep-2009)
Those with an interest in migration have become used to the panic that surrounds the publication of population statistics in the UK. In recent years these have shown migration as a key driver of population growth.
IPPR (02-Sep-2009)
The journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee describe their experiences in North Korea in an article in the Times. I urge Coffee Housers to read it, but I was struck by the story that brought them to the Tumen River.
The Spectator (02-Sep-2009)
The population of the UK is still on course to hit 70 million within 25 years despite Government pledges that it will not, research by a think tank shows.
Daily Telegraph (02-Sep-2009)
Islamabad, Aug.22 (ANI): A survey conducted in Pakistan on the issue of forced marriages among male dual nationals, reveals that only 3.4 per cent children are consulted before marriage whereas 96.6 per cent marriages take place mainly to attain foreign nationality or helping hand abroad.
Thaindian News (01-Sep-2009)
A FIFTH of manslaughters or murders in the UK are committed by foreigners. And top of the list of those involved in violence are Poles. Next are Nepalese, Lithuanians, Somalians and Sri Lankan immigrants.
Daily Star (01-Sep-2009)
Young teens below the legal age of consent are being trafficked into Northern Ireland and the Republic for sexual exploitation, according to the support group Ruhama.
Belfast Telegraph (01-Sep-2009)
Complicated new visa rules could see international student numbers fall by 20% in the UK this...
Guardian Unlimited - Education (01-Sep-2009)
Friday, 4 September 2009
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Britannia Radio