Friday, 11 September 2009

September 11, 2009

Critics Say Obama-Care Prescription for Fraud and Abuse
While millions of Americans watched President Barack Obama sell his national health care plan on nationwide television on September 9, he told members of both houses of Congress and all Americans that his plan would be paid for by reducing fraud, abuse and waste. With the Obama Administration and Democrat leaders in both houses of the US Congress desperately pushing a major overhaul -- many say government takeover -- of US health care........
by NWV News

Is Christianity all About Relationships?
It seems I am receiving a little extra email these days from troubled Christians who have had to give up a church, some friends and/or certain family members in order to remain faithful to God and His Word. I can tell you without hesitation that I certainly have – and on more than one occasion. No one can lead you down the road of temptation quicker than a close friend, family member or fellow Christian........
by Paul Proctor

Never forget the truth of 9/11

We all know by now what we were doing and how we felt the day we were viciously attacked by Al Qaeda on 9/11. I remember my Mom called me early in the morning that day and yelled over the phone “turn on your TV we are being attacked.” I turned on the tube to see the first tower in moments crash to the ground. My mouth dropped to the floor! People were desperately jumping out of the buildings and a nation was watching in disbelief!.....
by Laurie Roth