HR 2749: The Food Safety Act - The Pale Horse
HR 2749 would drive small, independent farmers out of business and hand Big Agribusiness Carte Blanche to push on us whatever Genetically Modified Frankenfoods they choose. HR 2749 would function as the backdoor assault on small, organic, family farming which will sound the death knell for our most basic freedom- the freedom to grow, sell and eat what we choose.........
by Mary Starrett
The Creation of Anxiety
In the past few years, I’ve had an increasing number of young people in their 20’s and 30’s scheduling telephone consultations for help with their health. Their stories are frighteningly identical. In fact, I outline a chronology of health to illness in several of my books. My clients are amazed because I can predict what happens next in their story. The chronology is as follows and the result is anxiety, depression and lack of confidence. They also have many physical symptoms like.......
by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
A Lesson Learned from the 40
This majority knows how easily government provision turns to government ownership of its citizenry. They know that providing for all means lavish dinners for leaders while everyone else waits in bread lines. (But hey, no one is starving, right?) They know that when someone disagrees, they are arrested, and when someone speaks and acts out, they disappear. They know this because it is what every other society that has chosen a path toward socialist......
by Ron Lee
The "True Identity" Of Van Jones
Some people are wondering who is next after Van Jones. But the Van Jones story is not over. And we still don’t know who hired this “obscure” official, as some on the left are now trying to refer to him. Some of these controversies are currently being investigated by the new media. Blogger Trevor Loudon, who broke the story about Jones’ communist background, thinks White House official Valerie Jarrett needs to be seriously scrutinized. She appears to have had a family connection to.........
by Cliff Kincaid