Obama's Ineligibility: How Deep Does the Corruption Go?
Another potential bombshell has hit the Internet regarding Obama/Soetoro's ineligibility to run for or serve as president of these united States of America.
Regular readers of my columns are familiar with the cases and attorneys.
This new action comes from Leo Donofrio, an attorney in the State of New Jersey.
Leo's case was the first to be scheduled for conference by the U.S. Supreme Court;
it was kicked to the curb without any hearing on the merits of the case.
Not a single case brought to date has ever been heard on its merits.........
by Devvy Kidd
Catholic Church Funding ACORN
Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough was quoted as saying that Obama’s work as an organizer on the South Side of Chicago “was funded partly” by the “Catholic Church campaign for human development...”
He was referring to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), an annual collection authorized by the U.S. Catholic Bishops which is advertised as a charity to “break the vicious cycle of poverty” but in reality has funded left-wing political organizations such as ACORN to the tune of millions of dollars........
by Cliff Kincaid
ACORN and Seiu in Turmoil
Some elected officials are still hiding. A caller to our local conservative radio show in Salem called from Washington, D.C. to report that she and a number of others who had attended the 9-12 gathering in Washington, D.C. stayed over to talk to Oregon’s senators and representatives. You could tell she was walking and talking at the same time. She had just left Democrat Senator Ron Wyden’s office and his staff said he was busy......
by Betty Freauf
Outrage and hope in today's England
In England, significant restrictions have been put on free speech, gun rights have been taken away and the UK is losing its sovereignty to the European Union. Not only that, but mass immigration combined with multiculturalism is leading to the Islamization of Britain. Mohammed is now the third-most popular name for newborn baby boys in England, and the most popular in the city of London. The Muslim population is growing 10 times faster than the general population......
by Allan Wall