The Rise of Tyranny
With a million and a half kids suffering from Autism, not to mention an array of other neurological disorders in epidemic proportions, the potential to deliver even more misery with the swine flu shot is enormous. The removal of mercury from compulsory childhood vaccines was a result of public pressure based on concerns over vaccine safety. Now these same parents with fragile children are facing yet another government edict forcing an even greater risk of damage if the swine flu vaccine should become mandatory. Flu shots are still loaded with mercury.........
by Elissa Meininger
Fed Up?
It should be no big surprise to anyone who understands what the Fed is and isn't that their Board rejected a request by U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for a public review of the central bank’s structure and governance. Come on…“Badges? Badges? We don't need no stinking badges...” The Obama administration (in typical imperial over reach) proposed on June 17 a financial- regulatory overhaul including a........
by Geoff Metcalf
Spiritually Transmitted Diseases
Spiritually Transmitted Diseases are running rampant in the Church. While all of our focus is on the STD’s that kill the body, we turn a blind eye to the STD’s that are killing the soul. Spiritually Transmitted Diseases are spreading faster than the Swine Flu. Only an inoculation of Truth can save us from the spiritual adultery that has perpetrated this epidemic......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
$20 Per Gallon: Change Before Crisis Hits
I couldn’t take my eyes off the movie as I watched it three times. Once you see that documentary, you will understand exactly what Steiner, Bartlett, Catton, Tainter, Brown, Bradford, Steinberg and other top experts have tried to tell this society for 30 years. You will understand how we combine energy use and population increases to drive this civilization toward a tenuous future. Yet, many continue thinking “Peak Oil” remains........
by Frosty Wooldridge