Sunday, September 06, 2009
Iran and Venezuela Form Fascist Front
The nuclear-arming Islamist regime and the left-wing despotism are formally united in a Left-Fascist "Independence Front." Click here for the Xinhua report from Tehran.
China Confidential intelligence experts say Venezuela is actively assisting Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps in establishing a Hezbollah-manned forward base in the South American country, the purpose of which is to launch reprisal attacks on the United States and Jewish communal targets following an anticipated Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear and missile installations.
Analysts add that Cuba is involved, too; more specifically, Iranian-Cuban biomedical research cooperation has served as a cover for preparation of germ warfare attacks on the U.S. A massive swine flu outbreak this fall or winter in the U.S. could tempt Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba to attack the U.S.
U.S. President Barack Obama's attempts to appease all three enemy nations has emboldened them to think big.Palestinians Promote Swedish Blood Libel
Videos Expose Nazi-Islamist Alliance
Christian Girl Alleges Sexual Abuse and Beatings by Fanatic Muslim Family as Mainstream Media Mobilize to Force Her from Florida Sanctuary
Click here for the horrific report. Atlas Shrugs has been all over and on top of this story, which speaks volumes about the extent to which the Islamist movement has bullied and influenced the mass media in the United States.
At the rate things are going, the Islamist tide threatening the U.S. will be irreversible by 2012.Bibi Refuses to Surrender to Obama
Click here.
The Israeli prime minister is standing firm in the face of massive pressure from the Obama administration to betray the Zionist dream, abandon the liberated territories of Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem--Israel's capital--and withdraw to indefensible borders (the "Auschwitz lines," as described by the late Israeli foreign minister Abba Eban) in order to make possible the creation of an Islamist terror-state ruled by Hitlerian Hamas.
The first third World-American, Muslim-born (according to Islamic law) President of the United States is obsessed with creation of the so-called Palestinian state, which would actually be the second Arab state in historic Palestine--the first one being Jordan. [The Hashemite Kingdom is "Palestine." Click here.]
Ironically, an overwhelming majority of American Jews supported Obama, the most mysterious candidate to ever run for President, in his meteoric ascent to power.Obama's Red 'Green Jobs Czar' Resigns
Russian Crew Cargo Ship Carried Missiles for Iran
English Defense League Battles Islamist Thugs
Click here and here for the reports. Though biased against the EDL, the stories are revealing.
Contrary to left-wing, pro-Islamist propaganda, the EDL is neither racist nor anti-Semitic. In fact, it is militantly anti-Nazi and staunchly pro-Israel, as shown by the above photograph. Click here to visit the group's website and below to view a video of a recent demonstration, which was misrepresented by Britain's appeasement-prone, mainstream media.
The EDL has the courage to defend Britain, democracy, Israel, and Judeo-Christian values. As such, the EDL deserves support.
As the EDL says in the video below, it is time for those who refuse to submit to Islamic extremism and violence to decide with whom they stand. The contrast between these brave young people--libeled and slandered, persecuted and hounded--and the cowards and appeasers in power who cravenly caved into Libya's demand for the release of the mass-murdering bomber of Pan Am Flight 103 could not be more dramatic and telling. This reporter--an American Jew and lifelong Zionist--stands with the EDL.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
The islamo-Nazis and the neo-Nazis--and the Left, ironically--are cooperating closely to demonize and isolate Israel ahead of an all-out, genocidal assault on the Jewish State.
The Nazi-Muslim clerical fascist (islamist) alliance is exposed in this powerful documentary. One of the founders of radical Islam, or Islamism, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem--to this day, a revered figure among Palestinian Arabs--was a fervent admirer of Adolf Hitler.
An astonishing archival compilation....
Relentless reporting by an Internet-based news organization has led to the resignation of the Obama administration's America-bashing, Communist-sympathizing "green jobs czar"--a man who blamed America for 9/11 and actually accused the Bush administration of allowing the attack to take place. Click here for the story.
Incredibly, it appears that the Mossad intercepted a shipment of missiles bound for Iran. Click here for the story, which reads like a treatment for a Hollywood movie.
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Britannia Radio