Sunday, September 20, 2009
china confidential
Obama's Childhood Homeland Adopting Sharia
Reuters reports:Recent moves in Indonesia, including plans by one province to stone adulterers to death, have raised concerns about the reputation of the world's most populous Muslin country as a beacon of moderate Islam.
The provincial assembly in the westernmost province of Aceh--at the epicenter of the Indian Ocean tsunami that killed 170,000 people there nearly five years ago--this week decreed the ancient Islamic penalty of stoning to death for adultery.
Continue here.
Will Obama speak out against the push for barbaric Islamic law in Indonesia? He should do that and more, given his Indonesian roots. As a child, the U.S. President lived with his biological mother and Indonesian Muslim stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, in the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation. His stepfather registered Obama for school under the name Barry Soetoro, listing his religion as Muslim and citizenship as Indonesian.
Possible dual citizenship was a taboo topic during the 2008 Presidential campaign.Is Iran Building Backup Nuke Plant in Venezuela?
Obama Alienates Allies as He Appeases Enemies
George W. Bush famously declared in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, "You're either with us or against us."
The stubborn attitude earned him widespread criticism that he was alienating potential allies. But President Obama, critics charge, is in his effort to reverse Bush-era foreign policy alienating his existing allies.
By contrast, the Obama approach to global diplomacy is starting to look a bit like, "If you're with us, you're against us."
Continue here.Brzezinski Urges Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets
Zbigniew Brzezinski ... fierce friend of Islamist Iran and avowed enemy of Israel ... a Strangelovian nut who, in his capacity as Jimmy Carter's national security adviser, orchestrated the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, a modernizing, pro-American monarch, and the covert war in Afghanistan on the side of Islamist scum ... has called on U.S. President Barack Obama to shoot down Israeli aircraft if they attack nuclear-arming, Islamonazi Iran. Click here for Brzezinski's interview.Obama: Bungling, Betraying, Appeasing
The excuses and explanations change daily. Click here for what is supposedly the latest U.S. take on Islamonazi Iran's growing missile threat to Europe.
Not since Jimmy Carter has such a catastrophic administration been in power in the United States.
Not since Neville Chamberlain has the world seen such appeasement. The UK Prime Minister at least could be credited with good intentions. He sincerely wanted to preserve the peace in Europe and foolishly believed that Nazi Germany's appetite for expansion could be satisfied with a piece of Czechoslovakia. Instead, Chamberlain and his French counterpart made war inevitable--on Germany's terms.
In sharp contrast with the prewar appeasers, U.S. President Barack Obama is seeking to both appease and align with radical Islam, or Islamism. His outreach to the so-called Muslim world, obsession with creating a Palestinian state, and linkage of the Palestinian issue with the Iranian nuclear issue reflect a competition, basically, between Obama and Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden for the global Islamist movement--a mistaken belief that right-wing political Islam can be exploited and used, that it is possible to ride the Islamist tiger, or dance with the Islamist devil--choose your metaphor, pick your poison--without being devoured by it. Obama aims to divide and rule; his perfidious policies elevate organized Islam and Islamism--now synonymous--and abandon secular Muslims yearning for freedom from an inherently intolerant and warlike creed.
Nothing good will come of Obama's appeasement and attempts to strike a Grand Bargain with the worst scum on earth to threaten humanity and the democratic cause since Nazism, Fascism, and Stalinism. The U.S. is in the grip of brainy betrayers.POSTSCRIPT: Iranian maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the new Hitler. The Islamonazi leader intends to overthrow the status quo by destroying Israel, driving the U.S. (the "Great Satan") out of the Middle East, and dominating the region for decades to come--for starters. He muses openly about a "world without America and Israel." His regime's foreign policy is imperialist to the core; therefore, Iran can't be appeased. Regime change and war are the only options. There is no diplomatic solution.
LA Times Exposes CIA Buildup in Afghanistan
As reported by the Los Angeles Times--here--the CIA is dramatically expanding its presence in Afghanistan as part of a large-scale intelligence "surge" that will see the agency's station there become among the largest in its history. The buildup ... and the paper's exposure of it ... recall the Vietnam era.
Given the seriousness of the Islamist threat--and the clear and present danger of a recreated Al Qaeda base in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan--one questions if the United States is capable of successfully fighting and winning a war under this kind of media magnification.
In other intelligence-related news, three men have been arrested on charges of making false statements to federal agents during a terror investigation, President Obama says he has no plans to ask the Justice Department to end its criminal investigation into the interrogations of terror suspects during the Bush administration--even though seven former CIA directors have asked the president to do that, saying the probe could discourage CIA officers from doing the kind of aggressive intelligence work needed to fight terrorism--and CIA director Leon Panetta is appealing to Arab Americans for help in rooting out Islamist terrorists.
In short, eight years after 9/11, the war against radical Islam is in deep trouble. Click here,here, and here for the stories.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Islamist Iran and left-wing Venezuela are cooperating closely in nuclear matters. Click herefor the story.
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Britannia Radio