Friday, 25 September 2009

Tehran Calling to the Faraway Towns

Last week was al-Quds (or ‘Jerusalem’) Day. It sounds as if it could be an ancient religious festival. But it is not. This annual event – usually held on the last Friday of Ramadan – was founded by Ayatolla Khomeini, as a day to oppose the “usurper Israel.” Today it’s also an occasion for hardliners of all stripes, around the world, to celebrate Iran’s clerical regime and its client, the Lebanese-based terrorist militia Hezbollah.

In Tehran, president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at an anti-Israel march, and, once again, referred to the Holocaust as a “myth.” “The very existence of this regime [Israel],”he said, “is an insult to the dignity of the people.”

In Germany, the neo-Nazi German People’s Union (DVU) leant its support to the al-Quds Day, and called on its supporters to join in the Berlin march.

In London the annual al-Quds event was held on Sunday September 13, and sponsored by an array of organizations from the Muslim association of Britain to the Respect Party.

The day was marked by Islamists, Leftists (many of whom wore the keffiyeh), and even some extremist anti-Zionist Jews, marching through the streets of Britain’s capital. Hezbollah flags and photographs of the terrorist group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah filled the streets, along with Palestinian flags, and placards with pro-Hamas and anti-Zionist slogans. One or two even proclaimed unashamedly: “We are all Hezbollah Now” [video]. Besides the waving of flags and placards, the also crowd chanted “free, free Palestine,” “boycott Israel,” and even “boycott Starbucks” – the coffee chain that “offended” Islamists with its logo of a mermaid (which they believe is actually the “queen of the Jews”), and which they nowbelieve to be financing “Zionist aggression.” (A Starbucks near the Israeli embassy in London was smashed up by “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators in January.)

Guest speakers for the 2009 London al-Quds event included Dr. Daud Abdullah, Sheikh Bahmanpour, Rabbi Ahron Cohen, Yvonne Ridley, and Anas Al Tikriti. However, this rather multicultural sounding bunch is a whole lot more worrisome than it might first appear.

Dr. Daud Abdullah – who led the Muslim Council of Britain’s boycott of Holocoaust Memorial Day – came under fire a few months ago after he signed a declaration of support for Hamas. The declaration, moreover, suggested that attacks on British navy were perfectly acceptable, if it was attempting to prevent arms shipments to the Palestinian terrorist group. Yvonne Ridley – a socialist who converted to Islam(ism), known for her radicalism – is a presenter for Press TV, the London-based propaganda agency of the Iranian government, which recently tried to portray Iran’s pro-democracy demonstrators as “terrorists.”

Rabbi Cohen leads the Neturei Karta group, which has publicly aligned itself with Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, as well as the clerical regime of Iran. He spoke at Iran’s 2006 Holocaust denial conference – along with former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke – to say that the Jews who were murdered by the Nazi regime “deserved it.”

Hitting a new journalist low, British media outlets nevertheless described counter protestors as “Rightwing extremists” and “troublemakers.” No such appendage was used for those openly supporting Islamofascist regimes, terrorist groups, and cranks who have openlydeclared that the “A-lmighty [had] wished” for genocide against the Jews, under Hitler. None of this apparently sinks to the level of “Rightwing extremism” in Britain, so long as it is endorsed or promoted by Islamists and the far-Left. Nor did the media feel it necessary to note, or remark upon, the nature of the groups and speakers present at the al-Quds day event, which, disgracefully, was described as a multicultural march for peace in Palestine and everywhere.

The nature of this movement is clear enough. This coalition of Islamists, socialists, neo-Nazis, and anti-Semites, has taken over – in the most literal way – from the old “blood and soil” Nazism, even as it disguises itself as a “human rights” movement. Consider this: in the 1980s, the neo-fascist (British) National Front championed Ayatollah Khomeini. Now Western “anti-fascists” and “anti-racists” march through the streets of London, Berlin, and other Western cities, in essence, in support of the successor Khamenei regime – even as it brutally suppresses its own people, and works toward nuclear weapons.