Friday, 25 September 2009
This is a cri-de-coeur which strikes a chord with me. For some time I have repeating my firm belief that the financial crisis was caused by failures of government - of politicians. THEY set the rules; THEY relaxed credit restrictions; THEY profited from the fake boom they had created which fina`lly turned to bust. But now they are blaming the bankers - the very people Brown personally praised as Chancellor in a Mansion House Speech for so skillfully exploiting opportunities.
In any case the profits these bankers made were taxed and kept the state in funds. But now it’s “Nothing-to-do-with-me-time”
Bad news for the rest of us – the Guilt Industry is booming
If you want to make something of your life and your children's, prepare to be vilified, says Jeff Randall.
Calling all job seekers. At a time of diminishing employment opportunities, there's a sector of the British economy that continues to expand. For the right type of applicant, it often offers above-average remuneration with attractive perks, notably an assumption of moral superiority.
You won't find it listed in the "sits vac" columns, as such. That's because this booming business embraces many organisations, across a range of activities: charities, social work, local and national politics, even journalism.
It is the Guilt Industry. No, not the gilt industry (though that too is flourishing, thanks to the Government's borrowing binge). The Guilt Industry is completely different; it provides a living for those with an eagerness to demonise fellow citizens who spurn "progressive" values.
The Guilt Industry's target market is largely, but not exclusively, Britain's middle classes, those to whom Benedict Brogan referred to in his column yesterday as "pilloried, taxed, stripped of their privileges, bound by red tape and lined up for fiscal execution".
If you have a private-sector job, pay your bills, service your mortgage, invest in your property, commit no crime, save for old age (and that of your parents) and seek the best education for your children, then you have probably experienced an onslaught from the Guilt Industry's sales force.
There was a time when the Guilt Industry focused mainly on white, heterosexual males. But, like Tesco, it has learnt to expand its customer base, moving up and down the social ladder, crossing ethnic and gender boundaries. If you are an Asian family that has moved to a grammar school's catchment area, in the hope of finding places for son and daughter, expect to be branded "pushy parents". The Guilt Industry demands that you are shamed for seeking to advance your offspring. How dare you escape the local comprehensive. Your elbows are disgustingly pointy.
If you are a gay couple, living on a sink estate, relax. There will be no cold call from the Guilt Industry. But woe betide the homosexual pair whose dual professional incomes afford them the luxury of a detached house in a leafy suburb. You have a what? A terrace? Shocking. How can you live with yourselves? You must be punished. Send round the taxman, immediately.
Then there are stay-at-home mothers, those who forgo financial reward to nurture their children, perhaps helping them master the Three Rs. You lot are as bad as the Asians. You know jolly well that your little darlings will experience faster emotional development, because you have digested that report from the National Institute for Economic and Social Research (November 2003). You're nothing but queue-jumpers, a disgrace to the sisterhood. Dump the kids in the nursery – and get back to the office.
Those aiming for a career in the Guilt Industry must be patronising and self-righteous, with an unshakeable commitment to political correctness. They need to identify offence where none was intended, especially on issues of race. A qualification in social engineering is particularly welcome, as is an ability to pin all the problems of Britain's underclass on greedy bankers, Eton College and Margaret Thatcher.
Guilt Industry trainees are expected to be anti-success and, where appropriate, anti-British. It is acceptable to describe the Union Flag as "the butcher's apron" – as did Sandra White, a member of the Scottish parliament – because it conjures up events from our colonial past, a rich reservoir of grudges. When it comes to history lessons, the Guilt Industry is particularly fond of the slave trade, penal colonies and Irish famine.
From an early stage, apprentices are taught the language of deception, which treats the noun "modernisation" as a synonym for "change". Thus anyone who opposes the Guilt Industry's demands can be labelled "old-fashioned", "out of date", or "unhelpful".
The Guilt Industry's most fertile patch is immigration. A migrant camp is demolished in Calais and guess what? Yes, we are expected to wrestle with remorse. If you show concern over the number of asylum seekers in Britain, you are "anti-poor". If you like the way your community is, and do not want it modified by multi-culturalism, you are "racist". If you prefer the Green Belt to remain intact, undamaged by estates to house a ballooning population, you are "selfish".
Routes to the top of the Guilt Industry are many and varied, including the Refugee Council, the Labour Party and the BBC (still hideously white?). Those who elect to enter the education wing of the Guilt Industry will be expected to name and shame students whose parents have degrees and accuse them of enjoying "improper advantages".
Any prospective undergraduate who knows at which university he would find Balliol College is, by definition, criminally middle class and therefore likely to hog a place that might have gone to a comprehensive pupil with half a GCSE.
On this matter, the Guilt Industry displays dazzling double-standards. President Obama is admired for having been to Harvard. David Cameron is reviled for having been to Brasenose. The Conservative leader is expected to be contrite for his private education and degree from Oxford. But what about Tony Blair, Geoff Hoon, Ed Balls? Did they not tread the same path? Never mind, Mr Cameron is a toff, so he had better start feeling guilty.
At its pinnacle, the Guilt Industry's superstars reside comfortably in Downing Street. There they develop the art of saying sorry on behalf of the whole nation for alleged wrongdoings. The trick here is to make sure that guilt is always transferred to others. Under no circumstances does the apologist concede personal guilt at any level. That would never do.
Like him or loathe him, there is no denying that Gordon Brown has mastered this technique, summa cum laude. It was the Prime Minister, you will recall, who loaded guilt on Oxford university for turning down Laura Spence, a talented state-school pupil with straight A passes at A-level. Miss Spence later rejected the idea that Magdalen College had been unfair.
And who else, in the midst of a budgetary and political shambles of his own making, would have the effrontery to publish (in this newspaper) an apology to Alan Turing, the brilliant codebreaker who was prosecuted for being gay in 1952. Mr Brown rightly described the Turing case as tragic (he committed suicide), but did the Prime Minister really think he would win our respect by saying sorry for an event over which he had no control?
Ah well, that's the Guilt Industry for you. For its leading practitioners, the game is all about burnishing their halos. They want us to feel bad, so that they can feel good. They believe it earns them a place on a higher ground.
But we know the real story: it's the only industry that will give them a job.
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Britannia Radio