WeAreChangeOklahoma – Street Action September 11, 2009 Day Before 911: Trillions Missing Still Unaccounted For Tea Partiers Tell CNN Reporter to Go Home and Tell the Truth
Thousands rally for D.C. ‘taxpayers march’
Thousands of protesters from around the country gathered in Washington Saturday to demonstrate against expanding government intrusions, witnesses said.
• Protesters Say ‘Enough’ To Obama Health Plans
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online
On the Eleventh Day of Every Month, activists everywhere are called to take to the streets in the name of truth. In every town and every city – and by any nonviolent means necessary – we will reach out together to our fellow citizens and spread the word.
• 9/11 Victims Families’ Message to Obama, NYC, & the World
People are up in arms about the bailouts. Give-aways really. But they forget the biggest give-away of all time: $2.3 trillion missing, gone, no explanation.
The brave reporter then attempts to ask the protesters a question: “What do you think of Congressman Joe Wilson?” The crowd reacts with applause, then starts chanting, “Way to go, Joe.”
Sunday, 13 September 2009
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Britannia Radio