Thursday, 10 September 2009

Today's top news stories
Andrew Lansley concedes that increases in NHS funding will have to be "small"

"“We have trebled the amount taxpayers spend on the NHS but we have not seen a real return,” Mr Lansley said. “We are determined to turn this situation around. The NHS, just like any other organisation in this recession, needs to focus on getting more for less. If Labour’s time in charge has taught us anything, it is that simply spending more money will not necessarily lead to improvements.”" - The Times

Cameron and Hague recorded attacking 'naked fraud' in Afghanistan

HAGUE-AND-CAMERON"The Conservatives moved to clarify their position on Afghanistan after David Cameron and William Hague were filmed making scathing comments on the conduct of the election. In his private chat with Mr Hague, that was picked up by a BBC crew, the Tory leader spoke of “naked” irregularities in the poll. He was heard to say that disparities between the number of votes cast and the number of people who voted “could not be right”." - The Times

"The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats are preparing to call for the Afghan election to be re-run amid growing evidence of vote-rigging and intimidation. Their move puts Gordon Brown in a difficult position, because Hamid Karzai, the Afghan President, is utterly opposed to holding another election." - Independent

60% of Britons want the UK military to withdraw from or reduce its presence in Afghanistan - Guardian

FT attacks Tory plans for financial regulation

"Moving most of the FSA into the Bank would not solve the problem of groupthink. In fact, combining prudential regulation into a single institution – especially one as hierarchical as the Bank – would make it more likely that some new conceptual monoculture will emerge. The Tory plans, like their bonus-bashing, are motivated by political, not policy, objectives. They are creating rhetorical space for attacks on the current regulatory structure and its chief architect, Gordon Brown. It is good news that the Tories are considering carefully the transition to a new regulatory regime. But, even if the journey proves to be well-organised, the destination remains questionable." - FT leader

At every stage this summer David Cameron has demonstrated a knack for using the insatiable demand of news channels and websites to advance his causes - Benedict Brogan in The Telegraph

In the cover feature for this week's Spectator Trevor Kavanagh charts a Britain in decline again and wonders idf David Cameron has a secret plan to reverse that decline.

David Cameron’s inner circle is likely to stay largely intact as he moves from opposition to Downing Street - Telegraph

> ConservativeHome's June profile of Cameron's 'West Wing'

Sir John Stanley MP highlights large capital gains made by MPs on taxpayer-funded properties

"Dozens of MPs have pocketed hundreds of thousands of pounds in profit on their taxpayer-funded homes, a senior Tory claims. Sir John Stanley said that a 'significant number' of his Parliamentary colleagues had made gains of 'truly huge proportions'." - Daily Mail

Clegg Nick On Sky
The Liberal Democrats suggest early end to VAT cut to pay for help for young unemployed
 - BBC

Parties accused of 'conspiracy of silence' on tax rises needed to plug £25bn hole - Daily Mail

Tony Blair defends 'special relationship' with America during David Letterman interview - Telegraph

New Japanese government makes big pledges on climate change - FT

Canadian Conservatives narrowly ahead in polls with imminent election likely - Reuters

And finally... Nigel Farage should rebrand as Nigel Farridge

"This poncified foreign pronunciation is so not UKIP. Mr Farage’s only hope is to change his name at once — or at least its pronunciation. “Farage” should be re-pronounced to chime with cabbage, forage, vintage and bandage. Ideally, it should be respelt, too: Farridge. Now there’s a good, English-sounding name." - Matthew Parris in The Times