- Peter Mandelson's proposal to disconnect households that illegally download is rejected by Conservatives
- Conservative Party Conference agenda published
ConservativeHome restarts the StarChamber page today with a look at reports that there should be a delay to restoring the pension-earnings link and also an overview of the scale and cost of Britain's budget deficit.
Madsen Pirie on Platform sets out his manifesto for Britain; it includes taking the lowest out of the tax system, an English Parliament and legalisation of recreational drugs
- 100,000 people are on a waiting list for allotments. In some London boroughs the wait is 40 years...
- Union officials funded in Town Halls and Whitehall
Matthew Elliott on CentreRight introduces readers to his new book, 'Fleeced': "It is the very first book to bring together the total cost of government spending, the bailouts, the banking crisis and Westminster expenses scandal in one comprehensive text and lays bare the terrible truth about Gordon Brown’s criminal miscalculations since he assumed control of the UK economy in 1997."
Timothy Barnes on CentreRight thinks the economic worst may be yet to come: "Labour is wrong to be putting off the cuts that are needed as Lord Mandelson suggested, yesterday morning. The wider public knows that cuts are needed now to stave off the worst effects of the debt mountain."
"The shadow chancellor will seek to portray the Prime Minister as ''weak and desperate'' in refusing to spell out the economic reality at Tuesday's TUC conference in Liverpool. And he will suggest that Labour policy is dictated by the party's dependence on trade union cash." - Telegraph
"Prime Minister Gordon Brown is to admit for the first time that spending cuts will be needed, the BBC understands. BBC political editor Nick Robinson said Mr Brown would make his most explicit comments yet on spending choices in a speech to union leaders on Tuesday." - BBC
"Gordon Brown has vowed to launch an autumn fightback against the Conservatives, warning David Cameron's party not to "wreck the economic recovery" by pulling the plug on the government's fiscal stimulus." - Scotsman
84% of voters believe that there will be “significant cuts in public spending after the next election” - Peter Riddell in The Times
Voters don't want Brown but can't agree on Labour replacement for him - Times
> Yesterday evening's ToryDiary: Conservative 41%, Labour 27%
Lord Tebbit calls on David Cameron yesterday to hold a referendum on the new EU reform treaty even if it has already been introduced - Times
Lord Pearson of Rannoch, a leading peer who left the Conservative party over Europe, is to stand for the leadership of UKIP - Telegraph
'Whitehall mandarins insulated from failure'
"A report from the Commons public accounts committee (PAC) said failing senior civil servants seemed insulated against losing their jobs, compared with their town hall counterparts. The MPs called for a "much stronger culture" of managing individual performance against delivery, and also said success should be better rewarded... Tory committee member Richard Bacon said: "Senior civil servants often seem able to get away with mistakes that would cost most people their jobs." - Scotsman
The government has saved £7m in the last year by making its departments greener - BBC
Ed Balls paved the way for climbdown on child protection register - Daily Mail
Harriet Harman accused of preparing leadership bid - Daily Mail
"Harperson represents everything that modern Britain resents about the meddling nanny state. If she ever takes the helm, she could steer Labour straight on to the rocks of perpetual Opposition." - The Sun Says
The ConservativeHome-led but cross-party campaign is covered this morning in the Lancashire Telegraph and Shields Gazette.
Click hereto read a PDF of Jonathan Isaby's op-ed in yesterday's Western Morning News about the campaign.
"Tens of thousands of council and housing association homes are being occupied by people with no entitlement to them." - FT
A profound ignorance of our national past is the shameful legacy of so-called progressive educationalists - Dominic Sandbrook in The Telegraph
And finally... Mark Oaten MP on his fall from grace"I think there is something about the political world that almost draws politicians into relationship problems." - Mark Oaten previewibng his book 'Screwed Up' in The Independent