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The Ultimate 9/11 Attack: A Report From the EMPACT America Conference in Niagara, New York By Guy Rodgers, ACT! for America Executive Director Dear Harold, Eight years ago today is a day none of us will ever forget. If you’re like me, you recall exactly what you were doing and where you were when you learned that jets had been flown into the World Trade Center. This was an act of jihad. This was also an act of asymmetrical warfare, where an enemy with far fewer weapons and the means to attack us was still able to inflict a deadly wound. But our Islamist enemies are not content with the amount of destruction caused by that act of asymmetrical warfare. Last May we sent you a series of emails announcing our plans to address the threat of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack on America. An EMP attack can be triggered by just one nuclear weapon detonated above our atmosphere. Optimally deployed, such an EMP attack could knock out as much as 70% of America’s electrical grid. Not just for days – but for weeks, even months. Were this to happen, the consequences for America would be devastating. The congressionally authorized EMP commission estimated that millions and millions of Americans would die – of thirst, starvation, disease, and lawlessness. Imagine the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, extended across much of our country, and lasting for months. One component of our plan to address this threat was our participation with EMPACT America in its first-ever conference entitled “Protecting America Against Permanent Continental Shutdown from Electromagnetic Pulse.” I am composing this email in a hotel in Niagara, New York, while the conference is still underway. I’m doing so, to coincide with the eighth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, because Brigitte Gabriel and I are determined that you, our members, understand and appreciate the seriousness of the threat, that it is the ultimate in jihadist asymmetrical warfare, and so that we can join together to take constructive action to defend ourselves. When we sent you the EMP emails in May, some of our members emailed us expressing skepticism about the EMP threat. Some of the emails were, frankly, derisive, accusing us of having been misled by some sci-fi “fantasy.” I can understand why some who hear about this would respond this way. The very concept of life ending as we know it is difficult to come to terms with. Not surprisingly, our tendency is to ignore, deny or disbelieve that something so indescribably devastating could happen to us. However, if you were sitting here at this conference, if you had any doubts, you would realize, as we do, that this is no sci-fi fantasy (how I wish it were!), and that enemies like Iran are in fact testing the necessary launch technology to detonate a nuclear weapon over our atmosphere. Experts I talked to here believe Iran will have, in as little as two years, both the nuclear weaponry and the launch and satellite technology to literally “drop” a nuclear weapon from a satellite over America, and detonate it above our atmosphere. Dozens of experts, and I don’t use that term lightly, from across the fields of science, energy, education, law enforcement, counter-terrorism, and the private sector are here. One of the speakers, for instance, was the winner of the “Lord Kelvin Medal in Electromagnetic Physics.” Another was a former CIA Director…another a former Chairman of the National Intelligence Council…another the former Director of the Defense Nuclear Agency. You get the picture. These are not people who cry wolf, engage in whimsical fantasies or who put their careers and credibility on the line touting untested theories. They were not provided honorariums as an incentive to come speak at this conference. Some provided information that until the middle of the last decade had been classified by the Department of Defense. These experts are deadly serious about the fact that we are in grave danger – not only from a nuclear weapon-triggered EMP, but from an EMP triggered by solar magnetic storms, and they are doing everything they can to warn us so we can take action before it’s too late. There have been prior instances over the past 150 years of solar magnetic storms burning up telegraph lines and causing other damage to the infrastructure that existed at that time. The disruption to society back then was minimal, however, because when these solar phenomena occurred, America was not totally dependent on electricity and electronics as we are today. In other words, even if our jihadist enemies were unsuccessful in triggering an EMP attack with nuclear weaponry, natural solar phenomena could well cause the same devastation. Regarding our jihadist enemies, Brigitte delivered a powerful address on the ideology of radical Islam – specifically, the messianic vision of Iran’s “mullahcracy” for the return of the “Mahdi,” the 12th imam. These mullahs believe they can help usher in the return of the Mahdi by instigating worldwide chaos. What better way to do so, with limited weaponry in the ultimate act of asymmetrical warfare, than with a nuclear-triggered EMP attack? Given their apocalyptic vision they have every incentive to make every effort possible to bring us to our knees through an EMP attack. To read a transcript of Brigitte’s general session address, please click here. Prior to 9/11, most Americans did not believe something as horrific as the destruction of the World Trade Center could be visited on our nation by Islamic terrorists. The 9/11 Commission concluded that America did not see 9/11 coming because we “lacked imagination.” We cannot afford such a lack of vision when it comes to the prospect of an EMP attack. Over the next several weeks we will, when appropriate, provide you additional information and action alerts about the EMP threat. I urge you to pass them along to your friends and family and help us raise the level of awareness – and thus prospects for action – with enough time to spare before the unthinkable happens. I would like to close with a question I asked in one of the emails we sent to you in May. If America devotes the resources to defending itself against an EMP attack, and it never occurs, what’s the worst thing that happens? On the other hand, if we don’t, and it does…? ![]() Guy Rodgers Executive Director, ACT! for America www.actforamerica.org |