Excellent article by Chris Booker here. BBC viewers were treated last week to the bizarre spectacle of Mr Ban Ki-moon standing on an Arctic ice-floe making a series of statements so laughable that it was hard to believe such a man can be Secretary-General of the UN. Thanks to global warming, he claimed, "100 billion tons" of polar ice are melting each year, so that within 30 years the Arctic could be "ice-free". This was supported by a WWF claim that the ice is melting so fast that, by 2100, sea-levels could rise by 1.2 metres (four feet), which would lead to "floods affecting a quarter of the world". Everything about this oft-repeated item was propaganda of the silliest kind. Standing 700 miles from the Pole, as near as the stubbornly present ice would allow his ship to go, Mr Ban seemed unaware that, although some 10 million square kilometres (3.8 million square miles) of sea-ice melts each summer, each September the Arctic starts to freeze again. And the extent of the ice now is 500,000 sq km (190,000 sq m) greater than it was this time last year – which was, in turn, 500,000 sq km more than in September 2007, the lowest point recently recorded (see the Cryosphere Today website). By April, after months of darkness, it will be back up to 14 million sq km (5.4 million sq m) or more. So, despite Obama's stimulus, US unemployment hits a 26 year high. Thank god the BBC managed to track down Nigel Gault, chief US economist at IHS Global Insight, who says that the rise in the jobless rate was not too discouraging. "The decline last month was too good to be true, really." Fair enough. It's an opinion- how about a counter-balancing one? I see that the BBC is pushing the story that a former US attorney general can be sued by an American citizen held as a witness suspected of having information in a terrorism case, a court has ruled." The BBC has been relentlessly trying to undermine any legitimacy to the recent Afghan election and once again today we have another tribal elder "admitting"to the BBC that he tampered with hundreds of ballots in favour of incumbent President Hamid Karzai (Note the image that the BBC chooses to use to illustrate this story) The meme is that we should NOT be in Afghanistan and every BBC story follows this line in one form or another. Of course when it comes to electoral fraud, those intrepid BBC journalist to not have to travel to Kabul to find systematic cheating at the polls, they could simply tryBirmingham.WALKING ON THIN ICE...
Wonder why the BBC can't provide this balance of facts? Simple - it has concluded that the "science is settled" and it acts as an echo-chamber for global warming alarmists . Not just biased, but dangerous. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE....?
Well then, did you see the claim that support for the BBC has risen in the last five years with almost four out of five people believing it is an institution to be proud of? How interesting. I wonder who commissioned the poll? ICM/Guardian. I see, well, that's as impartial as you get, right? Asked if the BBC was trustworthy, almost seven in 10 of the 1,001 adults questioned said yes, up from six in 10.
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Sunday, 6 September 2009
"Abdullah al-Kidd (Typical US citizen) accuses John Ashcroft, attorney general from 2001 to 2005, of violating his constitutional rights in 2003, when he was held for 16 days. The court said detention of witnesses without charge after the 9/11 attacks was "repugnant to the constitution". The US Department of Justice said it was reviewing the court's order. A three-judge panel of the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals also said the government's policy was "a painful reminder of some of the most ignominious chapters of our national history."
Now then, let's just focus on the nature of the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeal because the BBC doesn't. This Court is profoundly liberal and is the most struck down of all US Courts. It is stacked with outrageous liberal judges such as Stephen Reinhardt - the man who advocates that the Pledge of Allegiance is "unconstitutional." This Court is notorious for it's liberal agitation but the BBC primly leaves out all reference to that - after all, any form of retro Bush bashing is always good.
I'm also just waiting on the BBC to run the story that Obama's Green Czar, Van Jones, is not only a renowned communist but also a 9/11 truther. Isn't that news in BBC circles?
OK - let's produce our own poll, and let's see if we can get more than ICM's 1001 adults answering.
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Britannia Radio