DEBKAfile Special Report September 10, 2009, 10:00 PM (GMT+02:00) Iranian FM Mottaki gives the West the runaround Timed to follow on the delivery of Tehran's response to the big powers' offer of nuclear talks, US intelligence agencies informed theNew York Times Thursday, Sept. 10, that "Iran has created enough nuclear fuel to make a rapid, if risky spring for a nuclear weapon." A few hours earlier, a US diplomat warned that Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb. Washington is extremely frustrated with the Iranian response which bars any discussion of its nuclear issues. DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis September 10, 2009, 10:00 PM (GMT+02:00) The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action. The coming issue of DEBKA-Net-Weekly, out Friday, deals with this touch-and-go moment. Don't miss this and other exclusives.To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weeklyclick HERE . DEBKAfile Exclusive Report September 9, 2009, 10:12 AM (GMT+02:00) Barack Obama determined to kick off Middle East peace talks The Obama administration early Wednesday Sept 9 decided to schedule a tripartite US-Israeli-Palestinian summit at UN center in New York for Sept 22,DEBKAfile's Washington sources report, the day before the US president meets Russian president Dmitry Medvedev at the UN General Assembly. The three leaders will declare Middle East peace talks resumed from that point. Our Middle East sources report that Saudi King Abdullah and Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, are working hard to force the rival Palestinian factions to bury the hatchet and send a united delegation to the peace talks. Washington accuses Iran of attaining nuclear weapon capability
More...DEBKA-Net-Weekly: Iran crosses nuclear red line
Obama-Netanyahu-Abbas summit scheduled for Sept. 22 in New York
Thursday, 10 September 2009
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Britannia Radio