Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Wednesday, September 02, 2009
china confidential

UN Exaggerated Global Warming Trend Six-Fold

Does a serious study signal the beginning of the end of global warming hysteria--the Goring of America? Click here to find out.


Number 2 Afghan Intelligence Head Assassinated

A suicide bomber killed Afghanistan's deputy intelligence chief. Click here for the story.

The assassination of the number two man at the National Directorate for Security highlights the rapidly deteriorating security situation. At most, the central government controls a third of the country. 

Approaching the eighth anniversary of 9/11, the Taliban are advancing toward their goal of retaking Afghanistan--the country that harbored and aided Al Qaeda in the years leading up to the worst-ever attacks on American soil.


Recalling an Islamist Atrocity in Russia

FIve years after a Muslim warlord's attack on a Russian school, the wounds are still raw, the pain is all too real, and there are more questions than answers. Click here.

Over 300 people were massacred, including 186 children.


Iran Anoints New Terrorist Defense Minister

Nile Gardiner's article--here--is a must-read.


IAEA Chief: Iran Nuclear Threat 'Hyped'

The so-called nuclear weapons watchdog is acting like an Iranian agent of influence. Clickhere for a report on his assertion that the nuclear issue is "hyped."


Taiwan Asks Dalai Lama to Cancel Speeches

China has pressured Taiwan into asking the Dalai Lama to cancel his public speeches and media events. Click here for the report from Taiwan, which China regards as a renegade province.