Wednesday, September 09, 2009
china confidential
US Wakes Up to Iranian Nuclear Threat
At the 11th hour, the Obama administration appears to be waking up to the Iranian nuclear threat. After allowing the Islamo-Nazi regime time to accomplish its atomic aims, the pro-appeasement administration is airing serious concerns and again appealing for talks. Click here for the story.
China Confidential Middle East analysts say Iran will at best play with words to play for time. The regime is so close to crossing the nuclear threshold, it will not abandon its dream at this stage of the deadly game. Iran's foreign policy is imperialist to the core; it is developing nuclear bombs and warheads--and intercontinental ballistic missiles--to destroy Israel and drive the United States from the region.
In fact, those are the minimal aims. Iran muses openly about a "world without America and Israel." Not for nothing, as China Confidential has repeatedly warned, has Iran worked with North Korea to develop and successfully test systems for firing ballistic missiles from cargo ships.
Twice before in its history--the reference is to Pearl Harbor and 9/11--the U.S. has mistakenly assumed that if something is unusual it is also improbable. The nation paid dearly for this kind of illogical thinking. The next sneak attack could be truly catastrophic.
The times demand a Winston Churchill or an FDR--not another Neville Chamberlain or Jimmy Carter.Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Oil Gains, OPEC Gathers
From Biomass to Liquid Fuels ...
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Oil trades near $71 as the dollar declines. Click here for the story.
The dream of converting prairie grass and straw into gasoline is closer to commercial reality. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio