Hegel, Marx and One World Government

Georg Wilhelm Hegel was a philosopher that is most known for his "Hegelian dialectic". Simply stated it is: Thesis + Anti-thesis = Synthesis. Or Establishment + Anti-Establishment = Compromise.
Karl Marx was heavily influenced by Hegel and believed thatIndustrialized Capitalism + Workers Revolution = Communism. He, of course was heavily supported by the Highest level Masons/Illuminati in Germany and England as he sought to create his "workers" Utopia.
According to Marx, Capitalism is flawed in that it places the means of production (or capital) in the hands of a few (capitalists) at the expense of the many (workers). Marx believed that Capitalistic Society was broken down into:
1. Capitalists (that owned the means of production).
2. Bourgeoise (the Middle Class that manages the assets of the Capitalists)
3. Proletariat (the wage slaves that work for the other two classes.
Marx believed that the conflict that existed between the Middle Class and the working class could be exploited for violent revolution in an industrialized society. This violent revolution would be used to destroy the Capitalists and place the means of production into the hands of the "working class".
Marx also preached against religion as the "Opiate of the People". That is, he felt that organized religion was another tool of the Capitalists to "drug" the working class into accepting their current condition. In other words, it was to be eliminated.
Now for the reality:
The real goal of the Illuminati was and is the destruction of Christianity. Communism was a tool that could be used to accomplish a great part of the Illuminati Agenda:
1. Genocide of those races that they viewed as inferior. An estimated 120 million people were murdered by the Communists in the last century alone. Communist murders accounted for almost 75% of the world total!
2. The elimination of the middle class. Remember the Illuminati seek to build a global Republic as envisioned by Plato. This consists of a ruling class, a military class and a Merchant/Banking class. The rest of the population exist only as slaves.
3. The destruction of organized religion is an Illuminati goal. Many of those killed in the former USSR were Catholic and Orthodox clergy. The Illuminati seek to replace all religions with the worship of Lucifer.
4. The end of national identity. This was accomplished in Russia through both mass murder and massive resettlement. For example, my ancestral land of Lithuania was colonized by Russians and my ancestors were murdered or relocated to other parts of the empire. The Ukranianssuffered some of the greatest casualties. An estimated 10-15 million deaths from Stalin mandated famines in the 1930s.
5. In Plato's Republic, the "Philosopher Kings" control though througha propagandized educational system. In the former Soviet Union, children were indoctrinated into accepting their "slave" status from birth. The State, not individual needs, came first. The Communist Party replaced God as the source of all your needs. Independent thought was replaced with party dogma and slogans.
6. The destruction of the family unit. In a merger of Plato's Republic and Socrates Communism, the family unit was to be destroyed and replaced by the state. Every individual was free to have sexual relations with any other individual, regardless of age. Thus, perversion replaced morality and an individual's loyalty to family was replaced with loyalty to the State.
The reality of Socratic Communism is that the "masses" become the sex toys of the elite. They can be raped, sodomized, abused and degraded at will without any opportunity for justice from a court ruled by their abusers. This was Soviet Russia and we can see that the West is not far behind.
Next: Fascism decoded.