Why Barack Obama is turning his back on Britain - by our former ambassador to the U.S.
Last updated at 8:10 AM on 28th September 2009

Former British ambassador to the U.S.: Christopher Meyer
Can it really be true that President Barack Obama denied Gordon Brown's plea for a one-on-one meeting this week five times, before eventually relenting? If it is, this would be a spectacular humiliation for Britain's Prime Minister.
It follows hard on the heels of Obama's public rebuke to Britain over the return to Libya by the Scottish authorities of the terrorist Megrahi, convicted for the destruction in 1988 of Pan Am flight 103. You have to go back to 1994, when Bill Clinton gave Gerry Adams a visa against our urgent lobbying, to find a comparable level of public discord between the two transatlantic allies.
To be denied five times would be bad enough. But to go on begging after, say, the first two rebuffs would be far worse. It would show desperation and a lack of dignity in equal measure. The Foreign Office gets a kicking from time to time for appeasing foreigners. But I simply cannot believe that our ambassadors, either in Washington or at the UN in New York, would have encouraged Downing Street down this undignified path.
Still, no smoke without fire. (Incidentally, I wasn't at all surprised that Obama finally showed mercy to Brown and granted a photo-op together, allowing the No 10 spokesman to announce that Prime Minister and President have had a 'full and friendly' exchange of views, lasting, oh, at least half an hour.) I doubt this episode has anything to do with a calculated snub. But it tells us a lot about Brown's insecurities and Obama's current priorities.
One of the things I liked about doing business with the Americans, during my time as Britain's ambassador, was their unsentimental directness and keen sense of power. They know perfectly well that the British Prime Minister is on his last legs and that they will, within a matter of months, be dealing with a new leader, probably David Cameron.

Brief encounter: Barack Obama and Gordon Brown in Pittsburgh this week
In the Washington view of things, there is little point in using capital on an expiring foreign leader, with whom by all accounts Obama has little personal rapport. With the exception of one issue, which I will come to later, the British-American relationship is not this week at the forefront of Obama's concerns.
Of course, it must be especially galling to Brown that Tony Blair could effortlessly arrange these encounters. I remember that when Blair came to New York for the opening of the UN General Assembly in September 1998 he had at least two long private sessions with Bill Clinton, as well as sharing the stage with him at a separate meeting.
But Mr Brown can perhaps take some consolation from the thought that the Obama of this week is not the same Obama who came to London in April for the G20 meeting at the Docklands. Then, he and his wife, Michelle, were trailing clouds of stardust, with the world's politicians scrabbling desperately behind them in the hope that some of the magic would rub off.
British politicians were no exception. There had been unseemly and faintly comical exchanges between Brown and Cameron at Prime Minister's Question Time, when each had laid competitive claim to the Obama mantle.
Gordon Brown's face was a sight to behold when, at their joint press conference, Obama invoked the Special Relationship (his briefing book will have told him to do this to keep the Brits happy) and lavished praise on the Prime Minister. Brown's expression was somewhere between a love-struck schoolgirl and a cat with the cream.
By contrast, the Obama in New York this week is a President who has come down to earth with a bump. His approval ratings are around the low 50s - not bad by historical standards at this stage of his presidency, but way below the heady days when he first took office.

The British-American relationship is not at the forefront of Obama's concerns
He has two strategic problems: one he could not really help; the other of his own creation.
The first is that the drama and emotion of the presidential election were such that expectations of what he could achieve in office were absurdly high and unrealistic. They were pumped up by the very brilliance of an oratory that played such an important part in his victory. But, especially in the U.S., to campaign is one thing; to govern another.
The American government machine is an astonishingly complex thing, with power deliberately diffused by the Founding Fathers between President, two houses of Congress, the Supreme Court and each of the 50 states of the Union.
New Presidents invariably come to town with their advisers and cronies from back home - and rapidly come to grief. Jimmy Carter arrived with his Georgians and never got a handle on Washington, losing to Ronald Reagan after only one term.
Bill Clinton had a similar problem when he filled the White House staff with friends from Arkansas. It took him most of his first term to sort things out and hire people who knew how Washington worked.
Now we have Obama and his Chicagoans. This is a more sophisticated and savvy bunch than those who accompanied Clinton or Carter to Washington. Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, is a former Congressman and veteran from the Clinton White House. Hillary Clinton's State Department is seeded with veterans from her husband's two administrations.
But, the question being asked by my friends in Washington is whether this administration is up to the astonishingly ambitious agenda that Obama himself has imposed on it. That is his second strategic problem.
Make no mistake about it. President Obama has set himself challenges in both domestic and foreign policy, which, in their complexity and breadth, are without precedent in the history of the United States since World War II.
All this against a background of economic crisis, joblessness, and a budget deficit increasing almost as fast as our own. And like all new presidents (it's a terrifying thought) he is learning on the job.
On the world economy, healthcare reform, climate change, nuclear non-proliferation, Iran, the Middle East, Afghanistan - to name but seven - Obama has told us that he wants early action.

In the Washington view of things, there is little point in using capital on an expiring foreign leader
Most presidents start their term in office with one big goal for the first two years. George Bush senior, with diplomacy of the greatest skill, wound down the Cold War with the former Soviet Union and opened the way to the reunification of Germany (to Margaret Thatcher's great dismay). Even George Bush junior got a big and contentious tax cut through Congress in his early months.
Any one of the projects that Obama has set himself would be challenge enough. But together . . . For some in the U.S., Obama's massive agenda has brutally revealed his shortcomings as President. He has gone in a few short months from walking on water to being called the 'weakest President since Jimmy Carter'.
These extremes are, of course, absurd. He may be struggling and embattled; but it is far too soon to say that Barack Obama will prove a failed, one-term President.
People are rightly concerned that healthcare reform has become bogged down in a Congress that Obama's own Democratic party controls. But sometime this autumn he will get a reform bill through. On the Middle East, he looks to have been faced down by the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who has refused to stop expanding Jewish settlements in Jerusalem.
But there are hints out of Washington that Obama will seek to outflank Netanyahu by proposing that incremental confidence-building steps be dropped and that Israel and the Palestinians go straight to negotiation of a final settlement.
Some see Obama's decision to cancel the stationing of anti-missile batteries in Poland and the Czech Republic as appeasement of Russia and Iran. But the technology was expensive and unproven; and the existing Aegis missile system on U.S. Navy ships can do the job of offering protection from Iranian missile attack without upsetting Russia.
If the result is a bargain with the Russians that leads to their taking a tougher line with Iran - and in the past 24 hours President Medvedev has been so hinting - it will have been good diplomacy and sensible defence policy.
We shall soon find out when, next week, with Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, the U.S. engages directly with Iran for the first time in almost 30 years.
So, for Barack Obama, things rest on the cusp between progress and stagnation. He has used this week - a kind of diplomatic hypermarket where almost every country in the world has been represented - to move his ambitious agenda forward.
In his speech to the General Assembly, he announced America's recommitment to the UN. On Thursday he became the first U.S. president ever to chair a session of the Security Council, which called unanimously for stopping the spread of nuclear weapons.
It was all pretty woolly stuff, but the symbolism was striking nonetheless. It is hardly surprising that he gave precedence to meetings with the Chinese and Russian leaders, who can make the difference between success and failure on so many of Obama's priority issues. Britain does not fall into this category, except perhaps on the matter of Afghanistan.
This is the only foreign policy problem where Britain impinges on a vital American interest. U.S. policy is in flux. Increasingly the words 'quagmire' and 'Vietnam' are being bracketed with Afghanistan.
In March, Obama announced a new counter-insurgency plan based on a 'surge' in U.S. troop levels on the Iraq model. The new American commander, General McChrystal, appointed by the Obama administration, has requested, as we know from his leaked report, a substantial increase in troops. But the President appears to be having second thoughts.
Once again, he is being accused in the U.S. of weakness and indecision. But the keystone of the new plan was that elections in Afghanistan would produce a new and credible government to whom all Afghanis could rally.
This might then make possible what has been missing from almost eight years of conflict: the harnessing of military operations to a clear political objective in support of a legitimate Afghan government. This in turn would enable U.S., British and NATO troops to plan for an orderly exit.
But the strategy is already in ruins, buried beneath accusations of corruption and ballot-rigging perpetrated largely by the incumbent President Karzai. There is still no declared winner. It is impossible to say what our soldiers are giving their lives for. Even General McChrystal has said that a surge in troop numbers is no guarantee of success.
In Washington, voices - including apparently that of Vice-President Biden - are arguing for a more limited and better targeted strategy that would focus on rooting out Al Qaeda and abandon the unattainable mirage of nation-building.
Far from being a sign of weakness, this is surely the purest common sense. And it goes to the heart of why Gordon Brown must continue to take any measures necessary to maintain dialogue with the President.
The British army has now been to Afghanistan four times in the past 160 years. It has never come out well. When are we going to learn that the long-term presence of foreign troops only generates hostility among the local population; and that far from keeping terrorism away from Britain's shores, acts as a recruiting sergeant for home-grown jihadists?
Worse, we pursue an illusory stability in Afghanistan at the risk of destabilising Pakistan, a nuclear-weapon state threatened by extremists from within.
It is vital that Britain inserts itself forcefully into the review of American policy in Afghanistan; and influences it towards an outcome that is realistic and attainable. We have the assets, the leverage and the interests to do so.
Gordon Brown owes it to our troops - alive, maimed, killed in action - to make this the top priority in his contacts with President Obama, in a kitchen or wherever.
As for the tale of Gordon and the Five Snubs, this is a flea-bite on the ample rump of history. The Special Relationship has had many ups and downs over the decades, and will no doubt continue to do so.
But the fundamental strengths remain much the same, even if the conjugal bliss of Tony Blair's years with Bill and George has given way to the grumpy cohabitation of Gordon and Barack.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1216224/CHRISTOPHER-MEYER-Why-Barack-Obama-turning-Britain.html#ixzz0SV8flqHS