Why Did Brown Insult Adam Boulton?
Iain Dale 10:24 AM
Iain Dale 8:40 AM
One party source told me: "If UNITE's leadership changed and decided to pull the plug on donations, the consequences could be fatal."
I understand that even at this stage Labour is struggling to meet its annual loan interest payments of £2 million. They cannot pay back their existing loans and in any normal meaning of the term, they are technically insolvent.
Another source hinted that there was more than a possibility that the Party could cease to exist after the election because of its parlous financial state. I raised a quizzical eyebrow at that suggestion, but she was adamant that no one realises just how serious their situation is.
The LibDems will be rubbing their hands with glee.The Sun Sets on Labour
Iain Dale 11:16 PM
It's not just the fact that The Sun has endorsed Cameron that is important, it is also the timing. They only endorsed Tony Blair a mere six weeks before the last election. To endorse Cameron eight months before an election means that it will now be a cheerleader for Cameron with a very important group of voters - the so-called C2s, the aspirational working classes (an expression I hate). They have always been a little sceptical of the Cameron Conservative Party. I suspect that over the next few months that may well start to change.
And how about this Tweet for Tweet of the Day, from Labour's Twitter Czar, Kerry McCarthy MP. Oh dear, oh dear.Labour doesn't need The Sun. We've got Twitter.
Is this woman for real?
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
I'm not sure what Gordon Brown thought he was going to achieve by being just plain nasty to Adam Boulton this morning. You could almost feel the votes slipping away among Sky News viewers. He called Boulton a "political propagandist". Even if he thought it, he shouldn't have said it.
One of the main topics of conversation in Brighton among Labour Party bigwigs is the financial state of the party. Donations are drying up as few people want to throw money at what they perceive as a lost cause. There's a real fear that the party won't be able to raise enough money to fight a proper and full general election campaign. There is complete and total reliance on the trade unions, especially UNITE, for funding at the moment.
Alastair Campbell has just made a complete tit of himself on Radio 5 Live, saying it really wasn't important that The Sun had endorsed the Conservatives. It was no big deal. Really. What a complete arse. At least Labour blogger Tom Mclouglin had the good grace to admit that it was a dark day.
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