Tuesday, 29 September 2009


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by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst & Commentator

Why do we call ourselves civilized when we allow rapists, pedophiles, sociopaths live to do it all again? Why do we give trials to hideous monsters who plan the death of nations and genocidal acts that astound the mind? Why spend the time discussing the minutiae of their crimes when we know what they have done - what they continue to do?

Col. Oliver North, in an adventure novel, "THE ASSASSINS", left us with a real and intended message. Gen. Oliver North is a warrior who sees things clearly and does not look for the political benefits for making his people expendable.  Why not simply assemble judicious men, create a list of known monsters and summarily execute them at the earliest time possible? Why ponder while thousands are dying at their hands? Does anyone doubt that Mugabe of Zimbabwe deserves a bullet or a hangman’s noose? Why did the so-called civilized world wait for Pinochet to murder thousands when that "UN-civilized world" gave him the benefit of the doubt?

We Jews have a long and available list of past persecutors and those still planning our demise who deserve summary execution before they can carry out their well-known plans. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Ayatollahs have not only pledged the demise of the Jewish State of Israel but, they vow to kill all Jews. (Wasn’t that the same vow by Adolph Hitler in his "Mein Kampf"?)

Why not execute them now before they can carry out their promised Genocide? Are we so squeamish that we accept the idea of our families being slaughtered by a barbarous, pagan people whose atrocities are no less than cannibalistic? At least cannibals have this belief that they can absorb the heroic qualities of their victims by eating them.

Then there are the politicians willing to sacrifice their own nation and their own people to satisfy some pathological need to be admired by hostile nations who have exhibited barbaric hatred - even to the point of Genocide. Why are these politicians and generals any different than rapists or pedophiles who have irresistible urges that lead them to sacrifice their own people?

I cannot help but think of some Jews in Israel who, over the years, have conspired with our most vicious and dedicated enemies to put our people in mortal jeopardy and then preen and parade their duplicity to the nations, hoping for applause for their acts of perfidious treachery.

Politicians and Leftist Generals are allowed, even expected, to make grievous mistakes. But, when they repeat these mistakes, it’s not a "mistake" but it is a premeditated sin against their own people. 
Granted, the average citizen cannot "connect the dots" but, those who can ought to act to protect all others. I will also grant you that the average person cannot pick up the tell-tale clues when they meet a rapist, a pedophile, even a genocidal maniac. These warped creatures smile; some even have families whom they treat well. However, the more aberrant give off subtle signals, reduced cues, "vibes" as to their true character.

Have you really listened to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad read the Koranic-based Charters of the PLO’s Fatah and Hamas? Or have you heard the Arab League as they brag about what they will do to the Jews?

Ahmadinejad is easier to spot because, besides his socio-pathetic character, he takes perverse pleasure in telling us all what he is going to do - not unlike a serial killer who visualizes what he will do to his next victim. In order to commit acts against humanity, be they pedophiles, rapists, politicians or generals, the "perps" must justify what they know is an act of maniacal vengeance against their selected victims. They claim it is the victims’ fault, especially if their victims resist and fight back.

Let’s progress from generalities to the personal. Would you who, no doubt, consider yourself a decent, caring person, accept putting your family in jeopardy because some law allowed a pedophile or a rapist to live safely in your neighborhood? Would you remain passive if a politician/dictator ordered you to accept Terrorists who were in striking distance of your children or your grandchildren, your home, wife, family? Who would be at fault? The Terrorists who have made their intentions well-known through prior threats and actions? Or the Politicians who arranged to put them or allow them to be there?

Why not consider both as one, given that the results will be either a day-to-day danger or, from past experience , a threat that had already killed neighbors, friends, family? Even if you are dedicated to observing the Law and have a moral conscience, is it your obligation to commit your family and yourself to the high probability of suicide and your nation to national suicide simply because "others" thought it was "in the best political interest" of the nation to do so?

Clearly the Biblical injunction to "kill those first - who come to kill you" is certainly applicable. Whether it’s a pedophile, a rapist or an evil ideological leader who is ready to put his nation and his people on a chopping block, there is no reason NOT to adhere to the Biblical injunction of saving yourself, your family and even your nation.