Thursday, 24 September 2009
You must know I am not normally one to praise UKIP’s weird gyrations or the extraordinary Mr Bloom (‘women should stay at home and clean behind the fridge” or words to that effect) but he’s dead right here and it needed saying. The Lord in question is rampaging all over the City afterr failing in his job as regulator!
Heckler breaks with decorum at Mansion House
Heckling is simply not the done thing in the grand ceremonial halls of the City's Mansion House. Unfortunately, and much to the gathered aldermen's embarrassment at Tuesday's night's annual dinner, nobody had told Godfrey Bloom.
By Philip Aldrick
The UK Independence Party MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire and former fund manager broke with decorum to become the event's first heckler in living memory by taking a couple of pot shots at Lord Turner of Ecchinswell, chairman of the Financial Services Authority.
Guests, sated on fillet of beef and Duchesse potatoes, were sipping Château Moulin à Vent 2005 and squirming quietly while Lord Turner blasted the bankers in his speech when Mr Bloom decided he'd heard enough.
The recession, Lord Turner said, was "a crisis cooked up in trading rooms where many people earned annual bonuses equal to a lifetime's earnings of some of those now suffering the consequences". "Just like the FSA," yelled Mr Bloom.
Lord Turner studiously ignored the outburst, but Mr Bloom, a former fund manager at Mercury Asset Management, was not to be silenced.
As Lord Turner rounded on the bonus culture again, Mr Bloom took up his struggle – only this time to be quickly rounded on by the regulator. "I don't know who this chap is," said Lord Turner. "But could you go back and start handing out your pamphlets outside this room. And stop interrupting."
Guests, appalled at Mr Bloom's lack of decorum [It’s not done, old boy] , sided awkwardly with the City "heretic" and applauded Lord Turner.
Mr Bloom told The Daily Telegraph: "The FSA paid bonuses for the biggest failure in regulation. Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander."
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Britannia Radio