One of the BBC's favourite goals is promoting the views of lefty organisations that operate in the developing world - the charidees favoured by the likes of Bono, and NGOs supported with unilateral fervour by DFID . Most of them are on the global warming bandwagon, so for the boys and girls in the BBC newsroom, finding an excuse to publicise them and their anti-capitalist, anti-industry views is not difficult. Today's peg is a report from the Royal Society which (not unreasonably for once) wants to improve crop production so that the world can feed more people. Among its highly sensible recommendations are a gradual shift to genetically modified plants, which have much bigger yields. This, of course, a cue for the BBC to talk to every organisation under the sun which wants to ban such production, as well as to show a picture of Paul McCartney, a rather good singer who, for some reason best known to himself, has appointed himself a scientific expert and thinks he knows that GM foods are dangerous and harmful. This BBC kow-towing to the views of destructive left-wing groups is dangerously Luddite and will condemn millions of unborn children to starvation and premature death.
The One Show
Here's One Show reporter Ellie Harrison sporting a CND T-shirt for a segment about new veterinary procedures on last night's programme: Hat tip to Dumb Jon, who wasn't impressed with the show. I daresay he won't pleased to hear that Adrian Chiles will be presenting a late night spin-off calledThe Ten Show.
A Few Lines
Broadcasting executives addicted to cocaine are routinely praised by bosses for their “creative genius”, a former BBC producer told MPs. Sarah Graham, who worked on children’s programmes for the corporation and took cocaine for nine years, said use of the drug remained widespread among senior media executives and taking it helped to boost their careers.The Times also provides a brief history of coke sniffing BBC celebs. Same story covered by the Telegraph, and the Mail.
It’s really not news — it’s pushing a point of view.When I read that I thought that yet another important political figure had grasped the truth about the BBC. That it was said by Obama’s chief adviser David Axelrod was even better. I know Axelrod is essentially a Daley machine hack from Chicago but he was the mastermind behind Obama’s meteoric rise from obscure non achieving, inexperienced, state senate placeman to Saviour of the World in five years so he must have his finger on the pulse. But then the penny dropped. He wasn’t talking about the BBC – he was fingering Fox News (or the right wing Fox News as the Guardian likes to call it.) Apparently the White House feels that Fox, unlike ABC, CBS, NBC and the other cable channels CNN and MSNBC is not being particularly helpful to the President. In fact Axelrod accused Fox of having a “perspective” and I doubt he meant it was leftward. Now for an administration to come out so openly against a major media outlet is unprecedented – imagine the furore if George W Bush had made a similar remark about MSNBC. Yet the rest of the US media have been strangely muted about the whole affair as has the BBC....I wonder why? The one honourable exception has been ABC’s Jake Tapper who tackled White House spokesman Robert Gibb. Gibb bumbled away in his usual Oliver Hardy manner – and the rest of the media sat on their hands. Fact is, of course, that from fairly early in the Democrat primaries the networks and CNN and MSNBC were in the tank for Obama and gave him a very easy ride and continue to do so – for the moment. They invested so much capital in pimping the product that to take him off the shelf so early would destroy the little credibility they might still think they have. Axelrod is irritated by not having a full house hand. Fox is the one channel that has refused to worship at the Obama altar and the administration doesn’t like it. So – is it just sour grapes? Of course not – Axelrod is an old Chicago hand. You don’t worry about not being liked in the Daley universe – but you do worry about the numbers..and Fox has the numbers, surging far ahead of the other cable channels. Fox has power and therefore needs containment in case the others are tempted to leave the temple and follow a similar path. Actually there has already been a mild attempt to show a degree of buyer’s remorse on a recent edition of NBC’s Saturday Night Live - yes that SNL where Tina Fey was encouraged to poke fun at Sarah Palin week after week during the 2008 campaign and not only revived her flagging career but won several awards for service to the cause. SNL did a very feeble skit on Obama with a mock report card which appeared to suggest that the man had spoken brilliantly but actually achieved very little. Axelrod was not best pleased so within hours someone had a quiet word with CNN because they actually presented an item which fact checked the skit and “proved” that SNL were not being fair! No danger of anything like that over here, thank goodness. As Dan Hannan remarked to Fox’s Glenn Beck (the tearful Glenn Beck as the beautifully balanced Matt Frei calls him) the idea that any right winger would be allowed a permanent slot on the BBC would be laughed out of court.....
New R5L Line-up
>> TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2009
Livesey told Press Gazette his lasting legacy would be the Cutting Edge Channel 4 documentary about the Sport that showed him coming up with the headline "Shoots You, Sir" about the murder of Gianni Versace. The headline referred to popular comedy sketch show The Fast Show that included a sketch where two tailors said the catchphrase "Suits you, Sir". Livesey said: "One of my other proudest moments was when I didn't quite believe the story 'Aliens turned our son into a fish finger' so I told the reporter to go to Asda buy a packet of fish fingers, mix the child in with them and see if the mother could pick it out."A bigger role for Livesey has got to be a good thing, yeah? Update. Forgot the hat-tip to Martin in the comments. Update 2. Imagine the outrage from all the luvvies if Twitter had existed when Livesey responded to the death of a gay fashion icon with the headline "Shoots You Sir".
Panorama used to be a grown up serious programme. In the olden days. Now it’s more of a pantomime. They set out to prove something to the halfwits they assume are watching. Last night they decided to prove that Asians suffer racial abuse. They set about recruiting two Asians to hang out with hidden cameras, as a kind of undercover honey-trap. Well, they weren’t undercover, they were actual Asians, with religious headdress. That confused some of the target racists into shouting “Paki” or, once, “Jew!” Some of the taunts were undeniably racist. But that’s not what real racism is. The disgraceful hostility emanating from the lazy goodfornothing lumps of pointlessness we were shown was less an example of Islamophobia than of societal meltdown. I suspect that anyone loitering there would cop it, doubly so if they were wearing identifying apparatus of any kind, be it religious - or any other random sign of weakness, infirmity, or purse carrying. It was a kind of no-go area. So what was Panorama trying to prove? That they were incompetent documentary makers who had little regard for the intelligence of the audience? They tried to manipulate one of this country’s worst social abominations into a matter of Islamophobic /Asian victimhood, but what they succeeded in showing was their own agenda.