Blair President of Europe? No, A War Crimes Trial 'Noam Chomsky, Bruce Kent, Baroness Jenny Tonge, Naji Haraj , John Pilger, Haifa Zangana and 3,346 other citizens have today on Thursday 22 October 2009 asked the United Nations General Assembly to uphold the United Nations Charter, The Geneva and Hague Conventions, and The Rome Statute of International Criminal Court and to charge Anthony Charles Lynton Blair with War Crimes in connection with the Iraq War of 2003.
Peter Brierley, whose son was killed in Iraq, said on 9 October to Blair after the St Pauls service " you have blood on your hands" ........... and there is an awful lot of blood, and a catastrophic rise in birth deformities and cancers among the population of Iraq since 2003. As Lord Norman Tebbit said, Blair is " like a vine bearing poisonous fruit, and I see these fruit everywhere". If our Charters, which were fought for by so many, are not upheld today, they will not be worth the paper they are written on, and torture, rendition, hooding, cable ties, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, and smashed homes will be the order of the day.'
Saturday, 24 October 2009
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Britannia Radio