Friday, 30 October 2009

British Doctors Admit Practicing ’Slow Euthanasia’ on Terminally-Ill Patients

'One in five doctors admit to keeping the terminally-ill heavily sedated until they die, in what critics have dubbed ’slow euthanasia’. A poll of nearly 3,000 doctors found that 18.7 per cent had administered drugs to keep patients suffering from painful conditions such as cancer unconscious for hours at a time.

Subjected to ‘continuous deep sedation’, many slip into a drug-induced coma before dying – perhaps days earlier than they would have done. It is often given without the patient or the family being fully appraised of the consequences.'


Government Is Trying to Make Bailouts for the Giant Banks Permanent

'In my opinion, Geithner’s proposal is “TARP on steroids.” Section 1204 of the proposal [the proposal being the "Resolution Authority for Large, Interconnected Financial Companies Act of 2009"] allows the executive branch to use taxpayer money to make loans to, or invest in, the largest financial institutions to avoid a systemic risk to the economy.

Geithner’s proposal reminds me of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the $700 billion Wall Street bailout adopted last year, but the TARP was limited to two years, and to a maximum of $700 billion. Section 1204 is unlimited in dollar amount and is a permanent grant of power to the executive branch. TARP contained some limits on executive compensation and an array of special oversight authorities. Section 1204 contains absolutely no limits on executive compensation and no special oversight.'


Merck Scientist Admits Cancer & AIDS Came From Vaccines

'This is an interview that was censored for obvious reasons. Dr. Maurice Hilleman who was a senior vaccine scientist at Merck reveals the real story behind AIDS and the SV40 virus which causes cancer and how they have been deliberately put in vaccines to infect people

National Wave of Privatization Scandals and Disasters Ignored By Media, Concealed From Public

'The total absence of local journalism in many markets, and the fixation of what news reporting there is on a handful of crime and celebrity stories helps conceal from the public the real price of global empire and the Wall Street Bailout, or how the privatization measures widely undertaken by state and local governments to relieve their financial pressure have been a cavalcade of corruption, a cascade of scandal and failure that make the rich even richer and the rest of us... well, you know....'


The Swine Flu Scam: British Medical Chief Warns of Extremists’ Attacking Flu Vaccination Campaign

'Extremists are attempting to derail the introduction of a national swine flu vaccination campaign, the country’s top doctor has warned. Sir Liam Donaldson, the Chief Medical Officer for England, spoke out against protests aimed at deterring people from having the jab. In one case, a Birmingham hospital had already been flyposted with anti-vaccination messages as its immunisation campaign started.'


Opium Kingpin Brother of Afghan Leader Being Paid by CIA

'Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of the Afghan president and a suspected player in the country’s booming illegal opium trade, gets regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency, and has for much of the past eight years, according to current and former American officials.

The agency pays Mr. Karzai for a variety of services, including helping to recruit an Afghan paramilitary force that operates at the C.I.A.’s direction in and around the southern city of Kandahar, Mr. Karzai’s home.'


More Global Warming Hype: Australians Could be Banned From Living on the Coast

'The National Sea Change Taskforce, a parliamentary committee, spent 18 months examining the effect that changing climate could have on coastal Australia and concluded that urgent action was needed to safeguard the coast from seas that are expected to rise more than 31 inches this century.

Among the panel's recommendations were forced evacuations from coastal areas and a ban on new homes in regions considered to be at risk from flooding and rising seas.'


Breakthrough Documentary 'House of Numbers' Challenges Conventional Thinking on HIV, AIDS

'Canadian filmmaker Brent Leung isn't winning any friends in the pharmaceutical industry these days. His breakthrough documentary "House of Numbers" features jaw-dropping interviews with doctors, researchers and even the co-discoverer of HIV himself (Luc Montagnier), all of whom reveal startling information calling into question the "official" explanation of HIV and AIDS.'