Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Caroline Glick with all your ears - that is, 

if you want to know  exactly what today's world situation is, 

and how the USA is doing nothing to stop a highly probable WORLD WAR III, 

(or some other ghastly state of affairs), 

happening in the very near future !

Caroline Glick: Iran & Obama 'bringing Israel to heel'

3 votes
From: Analyse
Added: October 20, 2009
Duration: 18:44
Views: 1140 views
Category: Society
Center for Security Policy Sr. Middle East Fellow Caroline Glick gives an update on the situation in the Middle East.



I have two things to say. 1) Americans got to wise up and not pay too much attention to hypes, good-looking people, and beautiful speeches and vote for a Republican who will fight the UN, the Muslim terrorists, and socialism in America as well as support Israel.
2)As time goes by and I watch Obama and the policies he wants to pass I, now, believe that Obama is part of the Bilderbergs' and Mason group's plan to bring the world together to set up a one world government. So wake up world!
ilsinglemom3 - 22 hours ago
Hold steadfast Israel. God has you in His hands. He will never let his beloved nation be destroyed. The reason nations despise Israel is because they hate God. Israel is God's prophetic time clock. Eliminate the nation and people, and the promises of God to believers in Christ, to Israel, and for Jesus; return to reign are nullifed. It's a satanically-backed rage that marks Satans's time in this age as swiftly coming to an end. (Acts 4:25-26; Eph. 6-12; Rev. 12:12) This dead on Bible prophecy!
wdstoliveby - 23 hours ago
This is a very excelent report. When will the U.S. get their heads out of the sand. Or are we in the hands of very evil powers from within?

Ed Hess
California USA
EdwardHess - 1 day ago
Thank you for your well reasoned speech about Iran and Obama. I have only one comment. You indicate that Obama is handling this crisis with Iran in a wrong manner. You have to assume that his intentions are in Israel's best interests to make that assumption. I believe Obama is the first American president to turn it's back on Israel and to throw his approval and support on the Muslim countries who want to destroy Israel. He will not prevent that from happening and I am ashamed of my country
evansins - 1 day ago