Item #1
Enslavement by a New Copenhagen Protocol to the Climate Change Treaty
By Henry Lamb
Problem for Obama: he has as much as promised the world that the United States would rejoin the international climate change treaty – regardless of the cost. Apparently, he thought his promise, and his teleprompter would be sufficient to persuade developing nations to join the party. So far, they haven't. His ace-in-the-hole is his "Cap & Trade" bill that he wants signed before the Copenhagen meeting. If he gets his bill, he can tell the developing nations that the U.S. has already done its part, and that he will not sign the Copenhagen agreement unless the developing nations do. Of course, if he doesn't get the Cap & Trade bill before Copenhagen, he may have to develop a new strategy.
Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?
Order Now! 2009 Branson Worldview Weekend Family Reunion Six Worldviews That Rule The World by Dr. David Noebel Eight Steps For Thinking Biblically by David Barton Returning to the Word of God by Dr. Michael Youssef Understanding the Perilous Times and a Biblical Response by Brannon Howse 50 Reasons Why We Are Living in the End Times by Dr. David Reagan Psalm 2: The King is Coming! by Dr. David Reagan Iran, Israel and the Nuclear Crisis: An Evangelical Christian Perspective by Joel Rosenberg The Big, Untold Story in the Middle East: How the Media is Missing The Most Dramatic Spiritual Awakening in Human History by Joel Rosenberg Standing Firm in the Last Days By Kay Arthur When a Nation Does Not Listen to God By Kay Arthur |
Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
Topic One: White House says Fox News is not a news agency. What is the White House really saying? Why is it dangerous for the government to define who is a news agency and who is not or who is a Christian organization or Christian program and who is not? How could this be laying the foundation for limiting free speech? Topic Two: Walter Williams writes an article on the rise of social justice. Topic Three: Brannon is interviews on a Fox affiliate in Wisconsin, WSAU on the dangers of state hate crime laws and the pending federal hate crime bill that has passed the house and is going to the Senate any day now.
Please financially support the Worldview Weekend Foundation as we seek to bring Biblical worldview training to thousands through this fall's Worldview Weekend Rallies. We are holding 22 free rallies in 22 cities and need your support to train thousands with a Biblical worldview. America's only hope is a strong church rooted in a Biblical worldview. Will you please help us raise up Christian leaders of all ages that will lead the American church at this dangerous hour? |
Brannon Howse's New Book The People & Worldviews Destroying America From The Grave Brannon Howse reveals how the worldviews of 21 dead people are still influencing every aspect of American life and vying for the hearts and minds of adults and students. Whether we are discussing, law, science, economics, history, family, social issues, education or religion, the people and worldviews seeking to further their agenda in these disciplines are almost always connected back to four major forces. Brannon reveals the connection between occultism/pagan spirituality, the apostate church, the educational establishment and government/corporations. Through this book you will come to understand the oppositions worldview, heroes, goals, strategies, masking terms, networks and targets. Those who share the worldviews of these 21 enemies of our constitutional republic and Biblical worldview do not want their agenda and its consequences to be revealed to the American people. Above all, they do not want us to equip and train our children and grandchildren with a Biblical worldview by which to recognize, reject, and fight against their seductive and destructive lies. This book will equip you to do just that as Brannon gives specific and pro-active responses you can take to make this the finest hour for the American church. Here is the list of twenty-one for which Brannon has dug up worldview facts you must know and prepare to oppose: Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, John Dewey, John Maynard Keynes, Aldous Huxley, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Margaret Sanger, William James, Alice Bailey, Helen Schucman, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Kinsey, Benjamin Bloom, B.F. Skinner, The Frankfurt School, Soren Kierkegaard, Julius Wellhausen, Christopher Columbus Langdell, Betty Friedan and Roger Baldwin |
Item #4
If Obama Had Told Us Before His Election
By Phyllis Schlafly
If Barack Obama had campaigned on that he has actually done in his first 300 days in office, would he have been elected? That's the question so many are asking today.
Michael and Colleen Reagan invite you to join the Annual Boulevard Travel Cruise aboard Celebrity's most fascinating ship "The Summit". Experience the upgraded staterooms, magnificent entertainment and other amentias on board. The cruise will depart out of San Juan, Puerto Rico on April 3, 2010 for a 7 night Southern Caribbean Cruise. Stops along the way include St. Maarten, Dominica, Grenada, Tobago, and Barbados. Please call for complete information. 7 nights, from $740.00 (Cruise only, Air Add-ons available) Call today: 818-505-7372. |
Item #5
Understanding The Times with Jan Markell
Eric Barger returns to remind listeners that no one is too lost to come to faith in Jesus Christ. In his youth Barger lived only for drugs, rock music, and a depraved lifestyle. Finally his wife had to pray, "Lord, save Eric.....whatever it takes." It took a lot but the end result is uplifting and encouraging and particularly if you are discouraged about the lost condition of a loved one.
2 Timothy 3:1 tells us that in the last days perilous times will come. 1 Chronicles 12:32 tells us that the tribe of Issachar was called wise because they understood the times and knew what God would have them do. In this two hour presentation, filmed before 2,300 people, Brannon explains how America has found its way to such a perilous tipping point, where we are going, and how Christians must respond. In this presentation Brannon covers the following topics: Is God Judging America? The similarities between how and why God said he would judge Israel in Deuteronomy 28, Leviticus 26, and Isaiah 5 and what is happening to America today. An Education without God, the Consequences and a Biblical Response Political Correctness, Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School Multiculturalism Feminism Diversity Tolerance The merging of education with labor Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World Social Justice and Bill Ayers Educrats call for college admission, good jobs and other privileges to be tied to acceptance of the government’s worldview State governments now requiring tolerance and diversity training for adults if they want to obtain or renew their professional license An Economy without God and the Consequences and a Biblical Response The true purpose of socialism Understanding Fabian Socialism John Maynard Keynes and Keynesian economics The goal of manufactured inflation Corporate Fascism: The merging of big business and big government How and why the Federal Reserve has failed on purpose President Andrew Jackson predicted what would happen if we allowed for the creation of a central bank again The goal of the Cloward-Piven Strategy and a manufactured financial crisis A Government without God and the Consequences and a Biblical Response Statism: The Government becomes god Similarities between America and Nazi Germany Legal positivism and the Nirenberg Trials Darwinian evolution applied to the law Fredrick Bastiate: the purpose of law The Moral Law or Marshall Law Barack Obama and Saul Alinksy Mandatory youth volunteerism The Bill Clinton Governor’s School goes national A revolution needs a crisis and the youth of the middle class National healthcare will cause the right to die to become the duty to die Biblical civil disobedience Churches without God and the Consequences and a Biblical Response The growing dominate false church The apostasy of the last days The Emergent Church Human reason, experience and feelings trump the Bible The impact of Julius Wellhausen and higher criticism Soren Kierkegaard, religious existentialism and neo-orthodoxy The World without God and the Consequences and a Biblical Response Nietzsche’s “master morality” and “slave morality” Global governance The spiritual and political tracks of globalism have merged Henry Kissinger calls for the New World Order Michael Gorbachev calls for global governance Secular writers say a world government has now become a real possibility The European Union is being used as a model for numerous unions throughout the world The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child A one-world economy in the making The International Monetary Fund, The G-20, international central bankers Politicians now talk pagan spirituality and one world religion What the Bible says about borders Conclusion: The hope and Christian response. Brannon gives specific and Biblical steps each Christian should be taking to live and thrive in perilous times. Brannon explains why this can be the finest hour for the church if we understand the times and know what God would have us to do. How do we prepare the remnant, our family members and most of all our children.
For Those Who Keep Saying I don't Know What I am Talking About...
By Ray Comfort
"Transitional fossils (popularly termed missing links) are the fossilized remains of intermediary forms of life that illustrate an evolutionary transition."
Item #7
David Barton Live
Christian Homeschooler Ordered to Attend Public School Guest: John Simmons, Alliance Defense Fund
Order your free copy or copies of Worldview Weekend Digest. This issues Theme: The Worldviews and People Destroying America From the Grave and a Christian Response Our last magazine was distributed to nearly 100,000 in just sixteen weeks until the magazine went out of print. Don't delay get your order in today. Brannon includes articles on the Worldviews and People Destroying America From The Grave. This is a revealing look at the public policy and horrendous, perverted, and tragic personal lives of individuals like John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Margaret Sanger and others. How have the worldviews of these individuals been implemented into America’s economy, education, sociology, and other areas of American life? The point is made that worldviews matter and have consequences. To understand America's spiritual battle for survival, we must understand the destructive worldviews working in the background and foreground. These articles were birthed out of the overwhelming amount of requests our office received for written materials based on what Brannon was talking about on his radio program and on numerous national radio programs on which he was a guest. |
Item #8
You Might Be A Constitutionalist If . . .
By Chuck Baldwin
I originally published this column back in January of 2005. Since then (and especially lately), many people have called and written with requests to republish it. So, with a few minor revisions, here it is.
Item #9
Thrown Under the Bus and Then to the Wolves
By Jan Markell
Where is the outrage? Why aren't good Americans by the millions bitterly protesting a Florida judge who has ruled that former Muslim Rifqa Bary, age 17, must return to Ohio? Her parents reside there, and when she lived with them, she became aware that they could kill her for her conversion to Christianity. They would be perpetrating an "honor killing," something common under Sharia Law.
Item #10
Palestinian Prime Minister Rejects "Mickey Mouse" State. Perhaps
By Barry Rubin
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad complains about Israel's offer to the Palestinians. "By all indications they have a Mickey Mouse state in mind," Fayyad said, using the Disney character's name as slang for unimportant or trivial. "It looks like it would not come close to what we have in mind."
Order Now! 2009 Branson Worldview Weekend Family Reunion Six Worldviews That Rule The World by Dr. David Noebel Eight Steps For Thinking Biblically by David Barton Returning to the Word of God by Dr. Michael Youssef Understanding the Perilous Times and a Biblical Response by Brannon Howse 50 Reasons Why We Are Living in the End Times by Dr. David Reagan Psalm 2: The King is Coming! by Dr. David Reagan Iran, Israel and the Nuclear Crisis: An Evangelical Christian Perspective by Joel Rosenberg The Big, Untold Story in the Middle East: How the Media is Missing The Most Dramatic Spiritual Awakening in Human History by Joel Rosenberg Standing Firm in the Last Days By Kay Arthur When a Nation Does Not Listen to God By Kay Arthur |