Following the recent revelation, in the Evening Standard, by Andrew Neather, a former senior adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett, about the Government's political agenda to open up Britain's immigration controls to mass immigration Migrationwatch Chairman, Sir Andrew Green said, in The Daily Telegraph, that "Now at least the truth is out, and it's dynamite. "Many have long suspected that mass immigration under Labour was not just a cock up but also a conspiracy. They were right. "This Government has admitted three million immigrants for cynical political reasons concealed by dodgy economic camouflage." By Sir Andrew Green Chairman of Migration Watch UK The Guardian, London, 23 October, 2009 This is not just a 'tabloid issue'. We must tackle immigration's effect on our population, or risk leaving the field to extremists. Tim Finch is worried that the Office of National Statistics (ONS) population projections published on 21 October will, as he put it, play into tabloid hands. He is right to point out these projections are not forecasts. But what they do show very clearly is that, unless there are major changes in economic circumstances or government policy, the population of the UK will hit 70 million in 20 years' time. Nearly 70% of that increase will be due to future immigration. It is important to realise that these projections are not just a continuation of past trends. Net immigration quadrupled between 1997 and 2007. Continuing that trend would result in astronomical figures. Instead, the ONS has assumed a 25% drop from the 237,000 per year experienced in 2007 to 180,000. It has assumed that this level will continue into the future. This assumption already takes account of the expected fall in net immigration in 2008 due to a large number of east Europeans returning home. Indeed, the projections further assume that net immigration from eastern Europe will decline to zero over the next five years. As for the effect of recession,Migrationwatch research has shown that, in the last three recessions, there was only a temporary fall in immigration followed by a resumed upward trend. It is fair to say that the ONS makes a serious and detailed effort to reach the most plausible assumptions possible, as explained in a further Migrationwatch paper. In 2007 the ONS published a study of the accuracy of its population projections over the past 50 years. At the 20-year range the average margin of error was about 2.5%. COMMENTARY By Sir Andrew Green Chairman of Migration Watch UK The Daily Mail, London, 22 October, 2009 The figures on population trends mark a watershed in the debate on immigration. They are the last estimates that will be made public before the election - and they make grim reading. Mass immigration, which has been encouraged by Labour's policy of open borders, has already brought three million immigrants to Britain since it came to power in 1997. These projections confirm that immigration is driving our population to new heights. If nothing is done, we will have an extra 10million people within 25 years - and nearly 70 per cent of them as a result of new immigration. Overcrowding: Immigration is driving our population to new heights The conspiracy of silence among the main political parties on this vitally important subject cannot be allowed to continue. They must face up to the huge impact that immigration will have on the future of our society - and especially on England, which is the destination for more than 90 per cent of foreign migrants… Sir Andrew Green, chairman of think tank MigrationwatchUK, said: "The Government is in denial about the impact of immigration on our population growth." "Seventy per cent of the fastest growth rate in history is due to immigration." "That is equivalent to the entire population of London in the next 25 years." "The Government's own claim for the effect of their recent measures is an annual reduction of 20,000. Today's projections show that net immigration must be reduced by 180,000 a year if we are to hold the UK's population at 65 million." "Government measures are just scratching at the surface. Really serious measures are needed, and soon."Comment
Mass Immigration Deliberate Labour Policy
October, 26 2009Newspaper Article
The real threat of immigration
We must halt this conspiracy of silence over our immigration crisis
Press Releases
Official Statistics Published Today Show Immigration Will Add Just Under 7 Million To The UK Population In The Next 25 Years
October 21, 2009
Monday, 26 October 2009
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Britannia Radio