Dear Daily Crux reader, Each day, the Crux team canvases the investment advisory world to bring you the world's top insight and news. Here are the top selling products in the industry right now... I date women half my age using penny stocks I'm in my 60s... yet I'm dating a beautiful young girl in her 20s. We drive around in my classic red Porsche... And frankly – if it wasn't for my penny-stock secret, I'm not sure a woman like this would want anything to do with me. How to collect Social Security at ANY AGE Millions of Americans who are not yet retired are collecting $1,000 or more per month in Social Security Benefits. And millions more have figured out how to boost their retirement benefits by an extra $700 or more per month. Full report explains how these Social Security "loopholes" work... "Catch this stock before it disappears..." Every year, a tiny group of stocks disappear from the market... But amazingly, they produce an average gain of 692%. In fact, in the last decade, the smallest gain is 36%. Biggest: 3,249%. Little-known strategy turns $10,000 into $442,000 in months I'm here to tell you that you CAN make big money in today's markets. In fact, I'm going to show you how you could make $442,000 over the next 7 months while keeping your risk tightly controlled. The No. 1 currency trade right now! The "x-currency" has paid off in gains of hundreds of percent – minimum – to anyone who has owned it since 2000... The last time this opportunity came around, it handed investors gains of 2,185%... and made a lot of smart people rich. Introducing Jeff Clark's 'million dollar algorithm' "I won't get into specific dollar figures... but this secret explains why I was able to retire at the early age of 42." You, too, can use Jeff's secret algorithm, beginning as early as 10AM tomorrow. Regards, Brian Hunt Editor in Chief, The Daily Crux |
Saturday, 3 October 2009
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Britannia Radio