By PETER OBORNE Conflict of interest: Former Prime Minister Tony Blair For all the great leaders in British history, to hold the job of Prime Minister has been their one and only ambition. Pitt the Younger, Disraeli, Gladstone, Churchill - each one of these great men laboured ceaselessly to attain what for them was the most wonderful job in the world. Nor, when first booted out of office, did they quit British politics. Instead they were determined to regain power. Pitt, Disraeli and Churchill all became Premier again, while Gladstone famously enjoyed no fewer than four periods as Prime Minister, the final one concluding when he was 84 years old. It is perhaps a measure of how the United Kingdom has changed that today a new type of career politician is beginning to emerge: one who no longer sees 10 Downing Street as an end in itself, but rather as a stepping stone for higher things. Tony Blair falls squarely into this category (and it is very much to be hoped that David Cameron will not turn out to be another). Blair, who offensively quit as an MP within months of leaving office, has been intriguing for the Presidency of the European Union for more than a decade. Indeed, I remember that within months of his winning the 1997 General Election, his aides were confiding that his long-term aim was the then non-existent post of European President. Some people will say that there is nothing wrong with being ambitious, and of course that is true. However there is a problem. As every careerist knows, conflicts all too often arise between doing one's present job to the best of one's abilities and setting out one's stall for the next one. With Tony Blair, the problem was especially acute. There were many moments in his premiership when he was faced with the choice of either doing his best for Britain - or of creating a good impression with potential future employers in the European Union. A classic case in point concerns the rebate that Margaret Thatcher secured for Britain from the European Union. In 1984 Thatcher fought tooth and nail for that rebate, saving tens of billions of pounds of taxpayers' money, and she did not give a damn how many enemies she made in the process. Stars in his eyes? Tony Blair's chances of becoming the first EU president appear to be fading Yet in 2005 Prime Minister Tony Blair tamely gave most of the money back. The move of course put Blair in the good books of the European leaders who, as he knew at the time, might well be in a position one day to choose the first European President. Incredibly, he secured no concessions in return for Britain. The question is: when Tony Blair gave away that national rebate was he acting with half an eye on his next job and sending a signal to Europe that he was ready to put British interests second? A second case in point concerns fisheries policy. To be fair, Tony Blair cannot be blamed for the origins of this national tragedy. The Conservative Prime Minister Edward Heath was so desperate for Britain to join the Common Market in 1972 that he sold out British fishermen by opening our waters to European competitors. As a result British communities have been destroyed, thousands of jobs lost and cod stocks depleted - in particular by Spanish trawlers - to such an extent that they may never recover. It has long been the duty of any self-respecting British leader to end this injustice. Maggie Thatcher made every effort, yet Tony Blair never sought to do so. Is it because he was afraid of losing the Spanish vote when it came to the crunch with the Presidency? Yet again, it is impossible to say for sure. An even greater scandal concerns the Common Agricultural Policy, an atrociously corrupt enterprise whose principal purpose is the protection of French and German farmers. Its very existence is indefensible, yet Tony Blair repeatedly shrank from seriously tackling it. Was this because he was shy of antagonising the French and German leaders whose support is necessary if he is to achieve his ambition of becoming President of Europe? Who knows? Or consider Tony Blair's close relationship with the notoriously corrupt Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Is the real reason that Tony Blair oiled up to Berlusconi because he foresaw future favours coming his way? In all these cases (and there are many more) it is impossible to separate Tony Blair's personal ambition from the national interest. This is why it is so profoundly disturbing that his presidential campaign has been run entirely in secret. His ambition to be European President was never publicly avowed when Blair was Prime Minister, and it has never been acknowledged since. Officially, and with appalling disingenuity, Blair denies being a runner at all. Mission impossible? Blair as International peace envoy to the Middle East meets with a Palestinian family at a refugee camp in November 2007 This is not how elections for great public office should ever be conducted. In the United States every potential President embarks on a year-long journey during which his credentials for the White House are ruthlessly put to the test. His policies are scrutinised, his financial backers exposed, and he is asked to put his case to the American people. It was, of course, open to Tony Blair to run a public campaign for the European presidency. He could have explained how he planned to do the job, which changes he meant to introduce, how he would balance the interests of nation states against the wider interests of the European community. He could have answered the dark questions that still cry out to be answered about his conduct over Iraq. Instead Tony Blair chose to run his campaign in secret. He has done so through nudges and winks, and unsavoury backstairs deals. He has sought to win the candidacy not through public declarations, but by private arm-twisting and calling in ancient favours. Last night, there were reports that Tony Blair's chances were fading. If true, it is a welcome development: victory for Tony Blair in this squalid presidential contest would be an insult to democracy. Many thanks to the readers who have written in following my request for information concerning the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and his connections with the Business Secretary Peter Mandelson. In light of the information you and others have given me, I will be putting the following questions to Oleg Deripaska: 1. Could you give me a history of your connection to organised crime in Russia? 2. In particular, could you describe your links with the gangster Anton Malevsky, boss of the Izmailovsky mafia syndicate, who died in a reported parachute accident in 2001? 3. Why do you believe that the U.S. continues to refuse you a visa? 4. When did you last meet Peter Mandelson? 5. Have you ever sought professional advisers for a flotation of your company, Basic Element, on the London Stock Exchange? 6. Did you at any point contemplate putting Peter Mandelson on the board of Basic Element? In the meantime, if any readers have any further information regarding Mr Deripaska's connections, either with the Russian mafia or with the British cabinet minister Peter Mandelson, I would be grateful if they contact me via the email address below. Eleven days ago David Cameron announced a dramatic shift in Tory Party policy. He informed MPs that he had been converted to all-women shortlists and would introduce them in certain constituencies in the run-up to the General Election. Not surprisingly, there was a rumble of revolt. It grew louder. Then, at a press conference on Tuesday, Cameron caved in and revealed there would be no automatic women's shortlists after all. Now let's try a mental experiment. Imagine it was Gordon Brown and not David Cameron who had suddenly reversed party policy and adopted all-women's shortlists. Imagine that four days later he had completely changed his mind. Now imagine the headlines, the mockery and the ridicule. How Brown would have been accused of being a 'ditherer', of making a U-turn, of being a complete shambles. Enjoy it while you can, David. It won't last. And don't make too many more daft mistakes.Did Blair betray Britain for years in his bid to become EU president?
Last updated at 10:04 PM on 30th October 2009More from Peter Oborne...
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Saturday, 31 October 2009
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