Dishonest' Blair and Straw accused over secret plan for multicultural UK

Jack Straw and Tony Blair 'dishonestly' concealed a plan to allow in more immigrants
and make Britain more multi-cultural because they feared a public backlash if it was made public,
it has been claimed.
I've spent a big part of my life in England, so I'm very familiar with the many different tribes of British aboriginals. There is the type seen here on the left, in a picture taken fromThursday's Daily Mail. I've run it because it is not being seen just by the millions who read the newspaper and the website. The American-based news website Drudge Report is running it, too, and Drudge has 24m hits a day. A few more of these pictures and in America the term 'frightfully British' will mean only 'incontinent vulgar drunken Anglo-Saxon.' Up until now, it has only meant, 'bad teeth and indifferent personal hygiene.' Then again, there are other tribes of British Aboriginals. The excellent Tory MEP Daniel Hannan mentioned just such people in his blog the other day, and I recognised them from my time living in Hampshire. Back from Brussels and visiting his constituency, Hannan 'was struck by how unpolitical most Tories are. They are good citizens, who run almost every local voluntary association, from the British Legion to the Neighbourhood Watch. Although they dislike paying tax, they give generously to charity...they are utterly without the self-righteous hatred of the other side that one so often finds on the Left.' (He left out that they all wear cardigans and have a rota for the flowers in the church). I'd picture most of such British Aboriginals like this (below), no matter whether they are Tories or not. Here is a pair of World War II Land Girls reunited recently: Question Time confirmed two other things. First, that other politicians don't know how to deal with him. The Tory, Labour and LibDem pols went on the show and started off at maximum indignation-pitch. That was not the way to do it. It only made Griffin look more dangerous than he is. Second, the show confirmed that the non-politician on the panel, the writer Bonnie Greer, is one very cool woman, in both senses of the word. She knew just how to pitch her response to Griffin -- slightly amused, slightly interested, utterly un-intimidated, very relaxed, very well informed. I was longing for her to paraphrase Disraeli: 'Yes, I am a black, and when the ancestors of the right honourable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were trading gold, gems and rare spices with the princes of the Mediterranean.' Great, now we have a Tory pushing for a socialist as EU President. But then, Patten is auditioning for the job of EU Foreign Minister, so maybe that is just casting-couch stuff. Still, I have a slight soft-spot for Patten. My last flat in Brussels shared a landing with the flat Patten kept when he was Commissioner. He wasn't around much -- Commissioners spend most of their time in airplanes -- but sometimes in the morning my spaniel-ish dog and I would get to the small lift at the same moment as Patten and his driver-bagman. The flunky would indicate I and my dog were to wait until the lift returned. Patten however would wave us in: he clearly grasped the urgent need for dogs to get outside first thing in the morning. The Commissioner perhaps would not have been so friendly if he had realised my dog also had the habit of getting onto his side of the balcony and standing, transfixed and tail-wagging, at the Patten bedroom window. What the dog was looking at I do not know and do not want to imagine. As Vaclac Klaus is smeared and threatened by eurofanatic politicians across Europe, not one word of condemnation of this bullying has been spoken by David Cameron or anyone on the Conservative front bench. Yet of course Klaus is the one man who has offered the British any hope they may yet escape from the new EU constitution. No, all we hear from the Tories instead is that Michael Heseltine is now due to join Ken Clarke in any Cameron government. Heseltine and Clarke are the two men who led the Conservatives into policies of British surrender on Europe. Cameron's silence on the bullying of Klaus and his open support for Tory quislings tells us exactly what we can expect any Cameron government to look like. And here it is: This man (above) is Bernard Kouchner, French Foreign Minister. Yesterday he joined in the threats being made by Germany and other European powers against Vaclac Klaus, the president of the Czech Republic, who is refusing to sign the Lisbon Treaty. Kouchner sneered at the attempts by Klaus to protect his country's sovereignty: 'A single man will not know how to oppose the will of 500 million Europeans.' Kouchner should not be so sure. This man (below) knew how.23 October 2009 10:29 AM
So, Mr Griffin, which British aboriginals, exactly?
I thought I'd run this picture from the Daily Mail in the blog in response to Nick Griffin's insistence on the protection of what he calls British 'Aboriginals.'
What I would never imagine in the midst of such a decent tribe is a man like Nick Griffin. What the Question Time confirmed was what was obvious anyway: Mr Griffin is dull-witted, undereducated and crass. He and his party have succeeded only because the other parties have deserted one of the most unhappy of the British aboriginal tribes, the white jobless ex-industrial working class.
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20 October 2009 1:02 PM
Patten, up close and canine
Speaking of the eurofanatic undead of the Tory party, Chris Patten is back in the news today. According to an Open Europe translation of an interview in El Pais, the ex-Commissioner for External Relations has said Tony Blair is not suitable for the job of EU President, but the former Spanish prime minister, Felipe Gonzáles would be a 'very good candidate.'
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The shameful silence of the Tories
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16 October 2009 12:58 PM
Vichy forgets