Having read David Vance's post on Gordon Brown's maniacal prophesies of impeding doom it seemed rude not to take a further look. I see that the BBC could face legal action over British National Party leader Nick Griffin's appearance on Question Time, Welsh Secretary Peter Hain has warned. I see the BBC leads the news this morning with Gordon Brown's wild claims that we face climate catastrophe in the UK if he and his fellow AGW alarmists do not reach "agreement" at the Copenhagen in December. I also read Richard Black'sringing defence of BBC neutrality on this issue here. I then listened to Roger Harrabin's sympathetic item on the issue of the Chinese approach to "tackling climate change." This is a big ticket agenda item for the BBC and as the Copenhagen summit approaches, I think it reasonable that the BBC should give as much prominence to those who cast doubt on the eco-alarmism as those, such as renowned climate scientist Gordon Brown, who shill for it. This is directed at all my fellow writers here on Biased BBC. Interesting to note that Panorama is running a programme on Monday evening detailing the woes and afflictions that face "Asians" living in a council estate in the summer of 2009. I suspect this is not entirely unrelated to the appearance by BNP Nick Griffin on Question Time three nights later. The BBC is setting an agenda here which will culminate on Thursday night.END OF THE WORLD UPDATE... (Pt 2)
>> MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2009
Not bias, but to be filed under General Hilarity. Sometimes story placement is just too good to ignore.
PM warns of climate 'catastrophe' right next to Millions tricked by 'scareware'. Brilliant.HAIN TO TAKE THE BBC TO COURT?
The show is due to feature Mr Griffin, Justice Secretary Jack Straw and Tory and Lib Dem panellists on 22 October. But Mr Hain has written to BBC director general Mark Thompson arguing the BNP was "an unlawful body" following a court ruling on its membership policy.
>> SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2009
Monday, 19 October 2009
I can't see to remember Mr Hain suggesting the BBC could face legal action when it allowed IRA godfathers onto Question Time, can you? It's amazing the publicity that Griffin's appearance is generating for the BBC, and the majority of this is being generated by the revolting moral relativists from the political left who object to the BNP being allowed the same opportunity to be questioned as George Galloway or Martin McGuinness. I have no time for any of these revolting groups but the startling hypocrisy of Hain does need to be exposed and in attacking the BBC, Hain hopes to short circuit any debate on HIS double standards.
I will be away from this site from Friday 23rd October until Thursday 4th November and I'd REALLY appreciate it if you could ensure there is regular posting during my absence. The site benefits from daily posts and I sincerely hope that between you all we can keep the momentum going. I value all those who contribute here with your excellent material and hope you can just up the content when I am away in the USA!
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Britannia Radio