Message from British Film Director CHRIS EVERARD:
GOLD DISC of the NAZIs: Chris Everard reveals how Nazis at the centre of the NASA Space Program designed a gold disc packed with information about the Human Genome, our planet’s location in space – and a welcome message from KURT WALDHEIM – a former SS Officer serving Hitler in NAZI Germany... At considerable expense to the American tax payer, this golden disc was jetisoned into deep space aboard the VOYAGER spacecraft. This broadcast is the first TV show to fully present the entire contents of the Voyager Golden Disc, which – if it falls into the hands of aggressive Aliens – provides the perfect information for an orchestrated global attack, genetic engineering of humans and biological data which would enable aliens to design superbugs to kill us without even landing! Presented by CHRIS EVERARD.
EEC CORRUPTION Episode 1: This video, secretly filmed using an iPHONE inside the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, shows the large contingent of (mostly British UKIP) Members of the European Parliament stageing a MASS PROTEST after the secret signing of the LISBON TREATY. This video has been handed over to THE ENIGMA CHANNEL, as it has been repeatedly removed from several “video sharing” websites. ‘DEMOCRACY’, it seems, as far as the EU Parliament is concerned, does NOT mean holding a Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty!
EEC CORRUPTION Episode 2: HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO EARN £14,000 PER MONTH – for just signing your name in a book? THE ENIGMA CHANNEL this week joins forces with our associates in newsrooms around Europe and brings a selection of shows highlighting the CORRUPT demeanour of Euro MPs. Watch in horror as they fly in from their luxury homes around Europe and sign a book which allows them to claim expenses for being ABSENT from work! Oh, well, I vote GREEN – the GREEN PARTY is Good Right? Wrong. Laugh sarcastically as a woman Green Party MEP runs away from the camera crew after attempting to defraud the taxpayers of Europe! (German & English Language).
EEC CORRUPTION Episode 3: Paul Van Buitenen, author of Calling The WhistleBlowers – a book which exposed financial FRAUD at the heart of the EU Super State in the 1980s and 1990s - is interviewed by our comrades at EUTX.TV. Is Paul the only honest person working inside the European Parliament? It seems so! Well, in this video, he explains how the office inside the EU Super State which is meant to investigate corruption - is itself corrupt! Paul describes a filing system that deliberately buries new revelations about corruption, thus delaying investigations into fraudulent activities of Euro Members of Parliament. (English with German and Dutch subtitles).
NEW LABOUR: NEW CORRUPTION 1: A series of TV reports now preserved in The Enigma Channel archives shows how JACK STRAW and HARRIET HARMAN were part of a group of MPs who tried to keep the expense accounts of British MPs SECRET. And no wonder – JACK STRAW claimed a £1,500 Council Tax Rebate on tax which HE HAD NOT PAID! Is that theft? At the very least it is FRAUD. JOHN PRESCOT claimed more than £4,000 for ‘food’ and two toilet seats... Whilst many other Labour MPs bought multiple luxury properties in central London and claimed expenses for everthing from Candy Bars to plasma Televisions.
NEW LABOUR: NEW CORRUPTION 2: PETER MANDELSON – a self-made ‘Lord’ who wrote letters to TONY BLAIR signed “Love You Peter” (which were answered with “Love Tony”), is brilliantly doorstepped by the DEADLINE PRESS agency – his slick and smarmy façade crumbles a little as the vast scandal of Labour MPs’ expenses is wheeled into the sunlight of truth!
TORY CORRUPTION: Episode 1: It’s not just Labour Members of Parliament who committed FRAUD. The Tories are doing it too – hundreds of them. The British political party of posh people shows that it can smugly rip off the British tax-payer just as good as the New Labour MPs.
TORY CORRUPTION: Episode 2: Another batch of preserved news reports describing how Tory MPs claimed thousands upon thousands of pounds per year – enabling some of them to pay-off giant mortgages on London homes within a short space of time.
OPIUM: Since the British and American military took control of the poppy fields in Afghanistan, the street price of HEROIN has fallen to all new lows. The OPIUM business is in BOOM TIME – and the US Troops stationed in the Afghan hills are actually slowly taking control of the epicentre to the world’s HEROIN trade. So why is HEROIN still available on the streets of the USA? Maybe because the word ‘HEROIN’ is actually a trademarked brandname owned by one of the FORTUNE 500 Corporations – Bayer? This brilliant animated report is from our friends at GOOD MAGAZINE.
USA STATISTICS: A brilliant animated report from our friends at GOOD MAGAZINE which puts the present financial status of the USA into perspective.
And lastly – but not least:
SIZE MATTERS! A brilliant documentary film from CROATIA which compares the size of planet Earth with known stars and galaxies in the cosmos. A remarkable animated film which proves that Earth is but a speck of dust when compared with the size of most planets and stars found in space.
HOW CAN WATCH THESE GREAT SHOWS RIGHT NOW? That’s Simple... a 12 month subscription to THE ENIGMA CHANNEL costs just £19.99 per year – your subscription funds a small army (getting bigger each week) of camera operators, animators, electricians, set builders, authors, script writers, lighting technicians, sound engineers, musicians, photographers & computer programmers (not to forget our new cartoonist and telescope engineer!) who are dedicated to making TV shows and Films about subjects which would otherwise be ignored or ridiculed by the mainstream media.
THE ENIGMA CHANNEL produces approximately 40 new shows every month. You’ll never say “There’s Nothing on the Telly” Again!
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The Enigma Channel
PS. Our existing subscribers affected by a hacking spree which interrupted subscribers’ viewing in 2007 will be sent FREEVIEW passes this coming week and instructions of how to activate your FREEVIEW PASS and get a new password log-in. We have set up special servers to improve playback and to service all our loyal subscribers from 2006 and 2007. We shall be sending you a pdf documenta with a step-by-step guide to reinvigorating your subscription – we ahll be in touch.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
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Britannia Radio