Friday, October 09, 2009
On Obama's Peace Prize
U.S. President Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize has been called the anti-Bush prize.
It is that--and more.
The bizarre award represents an audacious advance aimed at encouraging Obama to continue to appease and attempt to align with Islamist Iran and Islamism in general.
In other words, the Nobel Committee has given Obama an anti-Israel prize.
The Committee cited his his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” as well as his call for a nuclear-free world--Committee code for (a) acquiescing to the ambitions of right-wing political Islam, and (b) focusing potentially damaging attention on Israel's presumed nuclear deterrent.
Ironically, the award announcement was made on the same day that nuclear-arming, missile-mad Iran vowed to "blow up the heart of Israel" if it came under American or Israeli attack. Iran ha previously threatened to "burn Tel Aviv" and strike Israel's nuclear reactor.
Another factor to consider: Norway is overrun by Muslim gangs and extremists. The problem is so serious that lifelong liberals have begun to seriously question and criticize their country's immigration and absorption policies.
Still another point to remember: America's greatest Presidents--George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt--would not have won the Nobel Peace Prize.
What's next--an Academy Award for stringing together 90 minutes of Obama Presidential campaign commercials?
Saturday, 10 October 2009
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Britannia Radio