Thursday, 1 October 2009

Warning! The Liberal Left is trying to ensnare you!!!!
By David Barton
As some of you may have recently seen, employees of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) have been captured on tape showing others how to break the law. Congress has initiated action to shut off millions of public dollars currently given to the organization, and many other government agencies have severed ties with them. The Liberal Left, instead of condemning these illegal and immoral actions, wants to retaliate by showing that it's no big deal because "everybody does it." We have received very credible intelligence that they are now planning their own undercover "sting" operations targeted against conservative political and religious groups and leaders. 

How Pathetic Preaching Damages National Security
By Dave Welch
One of the country's most articulate and credible voices on the threat of radical Islam within our borders stated last week that it is the greatest threat to our nation today beyond any other domestic issues we are addressing. In the strictly national security and geopolitical contexts, this person was right. As she stated, government takeover of health care and other industries are not a concern to those who are dead.

Brannon Howse's New Book
The People & Worldviews Destroying America From The Grave

Brannon Howse reveals how the worldviews of 21 dead people are still influencing every aspect of American life and vying for the hearts and minds of adults and students. Whether we are discussing, law, science, economics, history, family, social issues, education or religion, the people and worldviews seeking to further their agenda in these disciplines are almost always connected back to four major forces. Brannon reveals the connection between occultism/pagan spirituality, the apostate church, the educational establishment and government/corporations.

Through this book you will come to understand the oppositions worldview, heroes, goals, strategies, masking terms, networks and targets. Those who share the worldviews of these 21 enemies of our constitutional republic and Biblical worldview do not want their agenda and its consequences to be revealed to the American people. Above all, they do not want us to equip and train our children and grandchildren with a Biblical worldview by which to recognize, reject, and fight against their seductive and destructive lies. This book will equip you to do just that as Brannon gives specific and pro-active responses you can take to make this the finest hour for the American church.

Here is the list of twenty-one for which Brannon has dug up worldview facts you must know and prepare to oppose:

Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, John Dewey, John Maynard Keynes, Aldous Huxley, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Margaret Sanger, William James, Alice Bailey, Helen Schucman, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Kinsey, Benjamin Bloom, B.F. Skinner, The Frankfurt School, Soren Kierkegaard, Julius Wellhausen, Christopher Columbus Langdell, Betty Friedan and Roger Baldwin

Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
America's Enemies from Within: Topic One: How Pathetic Preaching Damages National Security, Topic Two: Gore Vidal says he is sorry he backed Obama and that "we'll have a military dictatorship soon, on the basis nobody else can hold everything together." Topic Three: Obama includes homosexual couples in "National Family Day". Topic Four: Empire State building to glow communist red, yellow. Topic Four: Hear the full audio of the students in NC rapping about Obama. Topic Five: We take your calls on whether you think governments should contract with private companies to serve as police officers.

Ahmadinejad and the 12th Imam
By Joel Rosenberg
Since September 2006, I have been urging Western journalists to ask Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the record about his beliefs in the "Twelfth Imam" and about the implications of his annual prayer at the U.N. asking for Allah to "hasten" the arrival of the Islamic messiah, also known as the "Mahdi."

Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher About Intelligent Design
By Sean McDowell
If nature, or some aspect of it, is intelligently designed, how could we tell? Design inferences in the past were largely informal and intuitive. Usually people knew it when they saw it. Intelligent design, by introducing specified complexity, makes the detection of design rigorous. Something is complex if it is hard to reproduce by chance and specified if it matches an independently given pattern (an example is the faces on Mt. Rushmore). Specified complexity gives a precise criterion for reliably inferring intelligence.