German Soldiers Get Additive Free Swine Flu Shot 'According to a report out of Germany, German soldiers have been given an additive-free swine flu shot that doesn’t contain mercury, squalene, or any of the other dangerous adjuvants associated with the vaccine, raising questions as to why this version of the shot has not been made available to the general population.' Censor Warman and Canadian 'Human Rights' Outrage Exposed in Televised Parliament Testimony You'll be famous, Rich. Good, eh? See parts two to seven here... Goldman Sachs Set to Announce Record $23Billion Bonus Pot 'Bankers' pay and bonuses is set to spark more anger this week after it was revealed that U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs is set to pay out a record $23 billion to its employees. Bumper third-quarter profits from the Wall Street giant last week should confirm that the average Goldman employee - including the 5,500 that work at its plush European HQ in Fleet Street - is on course to pocket around £500,000 for this year.' Monday, October 5th 2009 Lander, Wyoming Obama Quietly Deploying 13,000 More US Troops to Afghanistan 'President Barack Obama is quietly deploying an extra 13,000 troops to Afghanistan, an unannounced move that is separate from a request by the US commander in the country for even more reinforcements. The extra 13,000 is part of a gradual shift in priority since Obama became president away from Iraq to Afghanistan. The White House and the Pentagon both announced earlier this year that the number of US troops in Afghanistan was to be raised by 21,000, bringing the total at present to 62,000, with the aim of 68,000 by the end of the year.' Does the Vaccine Matter? 'But what if everything we think we know about fighting influenza is wrong? What if flu vaccines do not protect people from dying—particularly the elderly, who account for 90 percent of deaths from seasonal flu? And what if the expensive antiviral drugs that the government has stockpiled over the past few years also have little, if any, power to reduce the number of people who die or are hospitalized? The U.S. government—with the support of leaders in the public-health and medical communities—has put its faith in the power of vaccines and antiviral drugs to limit the spread and lethality of swine flu. Other plans to contain the pandemic seem anemic by comparison. Yet some top flu researchers are deeply skeptical of both flu vaccines and antivirals. Like the engineers who warned for years about the levees of New Orleans, these experts caution that our defenses may be flawed, and quite possibly useless against a truly lethal flu. And that unless we are willing to ask fundamental questions about the science behind flu vaccines and antiviral drugs, we could find ourselves, in a bad epidemic, as helpless as the citizens of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.'
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
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Britannia Radio