In 1918 Germany was finally beaten in one of the most horrific wars in modern history. Twenty years later Germany had re-armed and was murdering thousands of innocent men, women and children in Spain in practice for her next great offensive which resulted in WW II, in which the German Army murdered raped and pillaged it's way across Europe. So widespread were the barbaric and merciless atrocities perpetrated by the German Armed Forces, even in today's enlightened times they are difficult to believe. These were not only the work of a lone extremist faction, they were too widespread, they betrayed a latent nature in the German people, one that can be traced back to Roman times. It took the combined efforts of three world powers to stop them, such was the will of the German nation, and only the will of an entire and united nation could have maintained such a power of resistance for so long.
At the expense of millions of human lives and untold and incalculable suffering, Germany was finally crushed and defeated militarily in 1945; but not so in spirit or aspiration. Within half a decade former Nazis were planning the next move towards the German domination of Europe. This manifested itself in 1952 with the innocent enough looking European Coal and Steel Community, soon to be followed by the European Economic Community, structured and entrenched in the Treaty of Rome, a rehash of the former Europaische Wirtschaftsgemienschaft 1942, the Nazi plan for the destruction of the nation states of Europe, to be replaced by a German superstate of regions based on the German Lander system. That the European treaty should relate to Rome is not without significance.
(Germany's connections with Rome go back a long way. In 774 AD. Charlemagne (Charles the Great 771-843) took it upon himself to protect Pope Leo III. Charlemagne then made every German a Roman Catholic, except the Saxons who refused, and himself Leader of the Holy Roman Empire.)
By 1964 discussions were being held in Parliament on the United Kingdom joining the European Community. This was at a time when by and large the people still trusted their elected representatives, including the Monarch, to uphold their political aspirations, and above all the law and the people's Constitution. Those pushing to join placed great emphasis on the totally false title, The Common Market, and they told the people that it amounted to no more than a mutual trading agreement. There was dissent, particularly in the Labour Party whose instincts led them to smell empire and imperialism. The vitality of the argument died when applications to join were rejected, chiefly at the insistence of French President Charles De Gaulle based on a chalk and cheese argument, the United Kingdom's system and principle of law being diametrically opposed to those of most of Europe. He may have considered the possibility that once joined the British people might soon discover the great deceit.
The initial impetus of the debate having died down, it became easier to stealthily proceed towards joining without undue resistance, although it was still present. However, despite all such resistance, and the fact that the British people were generally not in favour of the idea, regardless of the lies they had been told about the nature of the project, in 1972 we were joined. In 1972 the Queen gave Royal Assent to the European Communities Act 1972, which ratified our signing up to the Treaty of Rome, which the Queen had, earlier, commanded her plenipotentiaries Heath, Home and Rippon to sign in her name.
Although Parliament has long played down the fact, the Monarch is not only Sovereign Head of State she is also the official Governor of the nation and chief executive of her government, which is why she is obliged always to refer to the government as "my government". The Monarch is the people's representative in Parliament. Her job is to ensure that Parliament abides by the constraints of the Constitution and the law, and does nothing that is not in the people's interest and security. To this end all parliamentarians take an oath of allegiance to the Monarch, thus holding them in subordination to the people. At the time the Queen was crowned the British people vested in her enormous powers to ensure she could maintain and uphold her obligations according to her oath.
However, despite all of this the Queen gave her Royal Assent to a bill which could not possibly be lawful, as it sought to ratify the signing of a treaty that would denounce the supremacy of her office, the people's sovereignty, their Constitution and their laws, and deny them their birthright to be a free people of self governing and of self political determination. The Queen commanded her plenipotentiaries Heath, Home and Ripon to sign up to the Treaty of Rome on her behalf. Regardless of circumstances and considerations, these are the facts. Let us now explore and address some of the mystery surrounding what can only be described as, and what must be, the greatest betrayal of the British people in the entire history of the nation. How did it happen? How could it have happened? It was in total violation of the Constitution and the Queen's Coronation Oath. Let us go back to Nietzsche's statement, "The German is an expert on secret paths to chaos." So, where did the Germans enter into it?
There are always rumours, most of which are not worthy of note, but strong rumours relating to serious matters are always worth bearing in mind, for sometimes where there is smoke there could be fire. In the late 1930s it was rumoured that George VI had leanings towards the Third Reich and the land of his forebears. It should be remembered that he was not a strong man, he had been thrust into a position for which he was unprepared, and he was closely associated with the Masonic movement, being a Mason of the 33rd degree as was his brother Edward VIII, where he was exposed to the possibility of subversive influences. However, events dramatically changed his position. Never the less, there were members of the Royal family that remained under suspicion and scrutiny. Quite recently it was reported that certain documents resting in Paris relating to those times were stolen, allegedly at the behest of the Queen. Also recently reported, following the death of Edward Heath were allegations that as a student Heath had been on the payroll of the Germans as a spy. And so the plot thickens.
In his deceitful endeavours to take us into the so called Common Market, the EC, which is now called the European Union of the Regions, but more truthfully recognised as the Franco German Axis, Heath committed treason and perjury in the House of Commons, for which he was never impeached. In contrast Profumo was impeached for what amounted to little more than an indiscretion. For his efforts the Queen honoured Heath by making him a Knight of the Order of the Garter, and Germany awarded him the Charlamagne Prize. Remember Charlamagne and his connection to Rome? Following the Queen's signing up to the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, the then Prime minister John Major boasted in the House of Commons that the Queen had officially become a citizen of the EU in her own Kingdom, and so subject to foreign law and diktat. As no one can be both monarch and citizen at the same time, Major, like Heath had committed perjury and treason in the House of Commons, and like Heath he has never been impeached, but was subsequently honoured by the Queen when she made him a Knight of the Order of Garter. It is worth remembering that following the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, Norris McWhirter and Rodney Atkinson laid charges of treason against the signatories Hurd and Maude, but the Attorney General, Sir Nicholas Lyell refused permission to proceed on the grounds that it would not be in the public interest, not because he considered that there were no charges to answer.
Since the signing of the Treaty of Rome the Queen has sent her plenipotentiaries to sign up to all the subsequent European treaties, including the EU Constitutional Treaty. A letter from Buckingham Palace confirmed that the signatories to the EU Constitutional Treaty were Blair and Straw, and that they were acting as the Queen's plenipotentiaries. Add to this the Queen's now legendary pro-EU Paris speech, together with her Christmas broadcast of 2004, all might possibly explain the Queen's negative response to the million or so, and possibly more, letters and petitions sent to her by the British people begging her to stand by her Coronation Oath.
It cannot be over looked, that when the Queen visited the Pope, she wore black and the veil, acknowledging that she was a heretic in the eyes of the Pope. The Queen, having so acknowledged her recognition of her heresy, demonstrated her belief in the primacy of the Roman Catholic Church. Had the Queen still been Sovereign, she could have made no such gesture, as she would have been betraying her Coronation Oath and position as Supreme Governor of the Protestant Church of England. In addition by demonstrating such subordination to the Roman Church she would automatically break the 37th Article of Religion of the Church of England which as Supreme Governor of that Church she cannot do without bringing all of those Articles into disrepute and forfeiting the allegiance of the British people. (ref. The Declaration of Rights 1688, and the abdication of James II).
At the time of the Queen's coronation the people placed the military power of the state under the Queen's jurisdiction to ensure that it could not be used by a despotic Parliament as a punitive force against the people. Her Majesty's Armed forces are further constrained by their oath of allegiance to the Crown as representing the people which limits them to do no more than defend the Monarch her heirs and successors from her enemies. Only the Monarch has the lawful power to commit her armed forces to war, and only within the limitation of their oath of allegiance. The Prime Minister can only commit Her Majesty's Armed Forces to war if the nation is actually under attack, and only then if the Monarch is in no position so to do.
Recently Parliament committed Her Majesty's Armed Forces to engage in a war with Iraq, despite the fact that Iraq had made no declaration of war against this country, nor had Iraq engaged in any act of aggression against the Queen or this nation. It has been claimed that Parliament had committed Her Majesty's Armed Forces to war by exercising Royal prerogative powers, yet there is no Act, bill, law or statutory instrument which permits Parliament to exercise such powers. It is claimed however that Parliament exercises Royal prerogative powers by convention, despite the fact that convention has no force in law what so ever. (Jowitt). Sir Edward Coke, author of the Petition of Rights 1628, wrote of the Royal prerogative powers, which were vested in the Queen by the people at the time of her coronation: ".... part of the person of the sovereign, and cannot be taken away even by an Act of Parliament." ( Jowitt ). The Royal prerogative powers therefore can according to law only be exercised at the personal discretion of the Monarch according to her conscience. Nor does the Monarch have the lawful right to lend, relinquish or bequeath those powers to Parliament. Only in the absence of a Monarch could Parliament usurp Royal prerogative powers, and by so doing exceed its authority without fear of lawful redress.
The loyal and trusting nature of the British people has for a long time led many to believe that the Queen must have been deceived by her ministers, or that she was ignorant of law, the Constitution and the facts. That she had been led to believe that she was obliged to obey the advice of her subordinate ministers. That if she did not agree with Parliament she would be seen as opposing the democratic process. Many people even suggested that the Queen was being blackmailed. All very generous, but all conjecture. On such an important and essential issue one is obliged to look at hard factual evidence.
As Princess Elizabeth and heir to the throne, the Queen was thoroughly educated on the Constitution and affairs of state by Sir Henry Martin, knowledge of which were essential to her future role as custodian of the Constitution and our Sovereignty. The Queen would have had a full understanding of the Act of Supremacy 1559, her Oath of Accession, her Declaration of Sovereignty and her Coronation Oath and their implications for her conduct as our Sovereign Queen. She cannot profess ignorance of those implications to excuse her conduct.
Act of Supremacy 1559.
"...all usurped and foreign power and authority...may forever be clearly extinguished, and never used or obeyed in this foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate...shall at any time after the last day of this session of Parliament, use, enjoy or exercise any manner of power, jurisdiction, superiority, authority, preeminence or privilege...within this realm, but that henceforth the same shall be clearly abolished out of this realm for ever."