Friday 9 October 2009

Here is your Crux PM update:

Follow up to the "free money" Detroit outrage video
Handout recipients think the money was created out of thin air by OBAMA!

"Fed faces truth, craps pants."
Dan Ferris parses the world's financial headlines, Oct. 5 - 9.

The best China insight you'll read all week
What the country's enormous defense build-up means.

Why politicians and bankers hate gold
Great observation from Richard Russell.

All-time investment great Icahn: Double-dip recession will cause a "bloodbath"
Amateur investors are going to get burned...

The looming crisis you've probably never heard of
... that has nothing to do with real estate, debt, or unemployment.

A big reason to be bullish
This is the most hated rally in Wall Street history...


Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, The Daily Crux