The answer is that they pretend that this is not happening. The BBC’s brief and historic outbreak of sanity here last Friday when it asked timorouslyhursday, 15th October 2009
Sinking fast
Marc Morano observes that the great iceberg of anthropogenic global warming theory is now fast disintegrating into the Sea of Reality. AGW zealots are indeed now facing a nightmarish conundrum. What to do to save their reputations and glittering careers as Chief Scientists, Presidents of the Royal Society, Government Ministers for Climate Change, Failed US Presidential Candidates Turned Nobel Prize-Winners, Journalistic Would-Be Stringers-Up of AGW-Deniers, green NGO empire-builders and professors whose entire livelihoods and academic status have accrued from more than two decades of peddling the biggest anti-science scam of all time but which is now threatening to expose them all to ridicule on an epic scale as global temperatures cool?
Friday, 16 October 2009
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Britannia Radio