I formed the opinion a long time ago that you were basically ok but that you were attempting to play a disinformation game, albeit a fairly obvious and pretty clumsy one. Only a complete retard could have believed that you actually wanted a Labour government for its own sake.
The one thing I would say to you is that you should never try to be too clever in politics, which is about persuading people to see your point of view. The finer tactical points are, in the main, completely wasted (even on the educated classes who can never be bothered to revise an opinion once it is formed) and the thing you are overlooking is the most crucial factor any of us face and that is this: Time.
The Tory party has existed for over 200 years and, to date, it has only ever had one idea: to preserve the status quo. You would have to be positively suicidal to want to preserve even the financial aspects of the status quo just now. I can�t even begin to think about the demographic aspects of the status quo and what they will look like for the next generation. Even beginning to think about them makes me wish we had 2nd amendment-style rights. We will need them, and soon. The law-abiding people with white faces are unarmed but the criminals without are armed to the teeth. The music has to stop soon. There is no time left to p*** about with tactics.
The Conservative Party is beyond redemption. It is the idea, not just the personnel that is at fault. For a long time I reasoned that a right-wing Tory government would get us out of this mess. Then I realised that even if the Conservatives were small �c� conservatives, which as you correctly discern they are not at the moment, it would not be enough any more. Things have progressed too far over the last 12 years in particular, and the last 64 years in general for a Tory government to alter our nation�s course.
Thatcher was the most right-wing Tory leader of the 20th Century, but even she, with her enormous energy and political might, never managed to roll the enemy back. She ground them to a halt, but throw the historic processes into reverse? No chance. The loony left actually grew on her watch, as did the size of government. She did nothing to prevent the appearance of a Blair or a Brown. The Thatcher revolution was short-lived. Even 100 Tory radicals (she was more a Whig) would not bring a tenth as much change in 1,000 years as one Socialist does in 5 years. Look who followed her: John Major, the guy who rammed Maastricht through the Commons. He was infinitely more Tory than Thatcher. He would have signed Lisbon and you bet he would have promised a referendum before an election and then weaselled out of his commitment just like Brown.
The Liberal Democrat party has existed since 1987 and is not to be confused with the Liberal party of history which, funnily enough, still exists but does not get any attention because it is Eurosceptic. Even if the LibDims were liberals (which they most clearly are not: they are in favour of EU membership, and the EU arrest warrant, and cravenly conspired with Brown to prevent a referendum on Lisbon, the toerags), I would have to ask the wisdom of liberalism at this crucial point in history. Freedoms of association and movement are a great idea but only when everyone plays by the rules. If people are using freedoms to overthrow society and impose Sharia law then I suggest we play dirty back and put these freedoms on hold until we win.
The Labour party, which has existed for over 100 years, has only ever had one idea: to set true-born Briton against Briton by insisting that we see everything through the bogus prism of class. As if class matters to those who would cheerfully wipe us from the face of the land of our (Christian) ancestors. They also like to push the prism of sex, sexual orientation and generation. You would never set me against a member of my family even if she were an octogenarian lesbian. Blood is blood, and race is merely an extension of family. The Greens are just New Labour with a carbon-superstition, and probably communist sympathisers too.
There is only one game in town now and that is to see things through the prism of race. Those who have come here recently from lesser cultures are very conscious of their background and both think and act racially. Why shouldn�t we?
Some place their hopes in David Davis, but when he was Chairman of the party he �informed the Monday club's National Executive that links between it and the party were being severed until it stopped promoting several of its (long-held and established) policies such as the voluntary repatriation of ethnic minorities. Davis later told the media: "I have told them that until a number of things are concluded - particularly some concerns about the membership of the club, and a review of the club's constitution and a requirement that the club will not promulgate or discuss policies relating to race - the club is suspended from any association with the Conservative party"�.
Do yourself a big favour and waste no more time hankering after this or any �hard man� of the Tory right. He could never think racially in a million years and neither could anyone who subscribes to Tory philosophy. They are a joke and will simply dead-end the patriotic vote. UKIP are no better. What is the point of leaving the EU if we are to live under Sharia law afterwards? They never have anything to say about that. If we take their argument to its logical conclusion a Eurosceptic who happens to like beheading people for religious reasons is their kind of man. Unbelievable.
When the scenes in Harrow and Birmingham last month are repeated across towns and cities of the UK, as they surely will be, tossers like Darkseid who sneer at the BNP and the alienated and abandoned white working class who vote for them will be the first to mess themselves and go running to hide behind them. Who knows? Some of them may stoop so low as to even collaborate with the Meccastanis, but that is a short-term tactic if ever there was one. No mercy was shown at Beslan to innocent children and it is unlikely to be shown to traitors and cowards. Voting for LibLabCON scum is more an abdication than a vote and is about to become a lot riskier because the status quo is no longer stable.
If a BNP-like government is what you want why not just be true to yourself and go ahead and vote for the BNP? It took me a while to get it, but Nationalism is the only game in town now.
Cheers, Jaso
Friday, 2 October 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 14:09