'Yeeessss master, yeeessss master, baaa, baaa ...'
Fascist EU plays the Irish like a violin, or perhaps a harp would be more appropriate.
Have they no dignity? They are insulted by being forced into another referendum after producing the 'No' vote the European Union fascists didn't want and they trot off like good little sheep to give their masters the result they desire.
Or at least 67% of those who voted did - a round of applause for those who campaigned and voted against the Nazi Union of Europe. At least you confirmed you have a brain on active duty. As for the rest ...
So congratulations 'Yes' voters of Ireland as you celebrate your insanity - now you can celebrate some more when this man becomes your head of state ...
Do you like wars, Mr and Mrs 67%? No? Pity - he LOVES 'em.
Ireland backs EU's Lisbon Treaty
(File under 'p' for pathetic)
Read more ...
Prime Minister Cowens makes victory address

'I just want to say how relieved I am, 'cos I'd be roit shoi-ting myself if I let my masters down again.'
But, then, what can you say about people who vote for a prat, an ignoramus, like this to be their leader? People get the leaders they deserve?
Please circulate - especially in Ireland