Thursday, 15 October 2009

Tishrei 26, 5770, 14 October 09 04:39
by Yoni Kempinski(Israelnationalnews.com) Muslim terrorists' newest nightmare? Steadicopter, an Israeli company, has developed an unmanned helicopter using patented technology that enables the chopper to stay stable while airborne. The new technology was on display at ISDEF 3 – the third annual Israel defense show, currently being held at Tel Aviv's fairgrounds.
The developers said that the unmanned helicopter can be used wherever manned helicopters are currently used, for a smaller price and with no danger to human life, and also in place of unmanned fixed wing aircraft.
The company's software engineer, Yaron Blustein, spoke with Israel National TV about the unmanned rotor-wing aircraft and emphasized that the Steadicopter was developed entirely in Israel by Israelis – down to the last screw.
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