Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Cheshvan 3, 5770, 21 October 09 12:15
by Rochel Sylvetsky(Israelnationalnews.com) U.S. President Barack Obama’s position against Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria encouraged Arabs and anti-nationalists to radicalize their demands, attorney Mark Zell, co-chairman of the Israeli chapter of Republicans Abroad, told Arutz-7 in an interview.
He noted that following Obama’s pronouncements, the Arab League called for President Obama to prevent U.S.-based groups from raising funds to finance construction in “settlement” communities and for the purchase of apartments in eastern Jerusalem. The League's statement said that these tax-exempt organizations are detrimental to the peace process. Among those groups mentioned by name was the American Friends of Ateret Cohanim, whose activities are partly funded by Jewish philanthropist Irving Moskowitz.
Zell explained, “I represent several such organizations based in the United States. We created a positive climate which is now, unfortunately, being undermined. There has been a series of article in major newspapers such as The New York Times and the Washington Post, recommending that the new administration take action against various organizations that aid Judea and Samaria. Apparently, the atmosphere created by President Barack Obama, when speaking out against the settlements, gave those espousing this view the courage to come out in the open.”
According to Zell, there currently are no restrictions on non-profit organizations that raise funds for Israel. “U.S. law allows any organization to raise funds for any purpose even if it is outside the United States, as long as funds are not being transferred to terrorist organizations.
"All funds transferred to institutions in Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights over the years were given a tax-exempt status. In the past, there were attempts by [President] Obama to cancel the tax exemption on contributions to these and other associations, but the present assault is unprecedented.”
Zell claimed that a new climate is being created by new anti-nationalist Jewish organizations in the U.S. which who are using diplomatic terror tactics against Israeli politicians.
“We heard about Ambassador Michael Oren canceling his attendance at a new left-wing Jewish organization conference [J Street] in the U.S.” Zell noted. “This group advertises that it wants to be a leftist alternative to AIPAC, the Jewish lobby in Washington, a traditional organization that has represented our interests well up to now. Unfortunately, this new group is well connected to Capitol Hill, and some of its members are part of the President’s advisory committee. I well understand Mr. Oren’s reservations about attending their conference. This group is so extreme that it is opposed to imposing sanctions on Iran. It is hard to believe that of a Jewish organization.”
Zell added that even if President Obama cannot implement the demands of the Arab League, he can make it difficult to raise funds in other ways. “He can make the income tax criteria for tax deduction status more stringent, increase accounting supervision and reporting requirements and in general make life very difficult for these organizations and their donors.”
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