Thursday, 22 October 2009

It would seem that not content with our valuable troops fighting extremists in Afghanistan, the people of Britain face a verbal battle with those extremists inside Britain.
As a woman I definately don't want to live under Sharia Law and Muslim rule, having lived in Bradford for 17 years.
I know we champion free speech, but this will be an attack on the very substance and identity of our country.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx j
 Muslim Extemeists Will March to Demand The destruction of Nelsons Column, Removal of the Queen & Sharia law!!
Islamic militants intend to March in Trafalgar demanding Sharia law. We need as many people as possible from all organizations and political parties to possess Trafalgar square so they cannot do so. We are doing this in defence of England's laws and our Country and we really need a good turn out for this. If you love England and our freedom please get your families and friends to attend this and show once and for all we are sick of these extremists and our government bowing to them constantly.

We will want to see many, many St George cross flags.

A Home Office spokesman said: “Everyone has the right to express their view so long as it is done sensibly, without violence and does not incite religious hatred.” Plans for the march are revealed on the website Islam4UK, which is fronted by preacher Anjem Choudary who has also called for all British women to wear burkhas.

Explaining the Nelson’s Column mock-up he said that under sharia law the construction and elevation of statues or idols is prohibited and consequently the statue of Nelson “would be removed and demolished without hesitation”. At the base of the column the friezes would be replaced with Islamic decoration and giant urns would be filled with gold coins for the poor.
Mr Choudary has said that under sharia law in Britain people who commit adultery would be stoned to death, adding that “anyone who becomes intoxicated by alcohol would be given 40 lashes in public”.
He has also mocked the deaths of British soldiers, and branded an Army homecoming parade a “vile parade of brutal murderers”.

31st Oct from 11am til 6pm. meet at Weatherspoons nr Trafalgar sq. Casuals united website for updates via Joe cardiff on Facebook)