Ken Wilber and the New World Order
'Ken Wilber is a writer probably best described as being situated at the intellectual end of the new age field - a self-proclaimed "pandit" and "defender of the dharma" - although not rigorous enough in his argumentation to be considered a serious philosopher. Over the course of several decades he has developed a big-picture "theory of everything" that attempts to integrate all existing fields of human knowledge into a grand unified system.'
EU Embryonic Home Office Set Up in Secret Talks Under Lisbon Treaty
'Acting under a little-noticed section of the Lisbon Treaty, officials set up a Standing Committee on Internal Security (Cosi) to implement what is effectively the the EU's first ever internal security policy.
Under the plans, the scope of information available to law enforcement agencies and "public security organisations" would be extended from the sharing of DNA and fingerprint databases, kept and stored for new digital generation ID cards, to include CCTV footage and material gathered from internet surveillance.'