Lisbon Treaty: Europe’s Slow-Moving Coup d’État
Irish voters have overwhelmingly approved the European Union’s controversial Lisbon Treaty, a document that will forever change the dynamics of European (and potentially global) politics. The “yes” vote comes less than 18 months after Irish voters gave the “wrong” answer by rejecting the treaty in a first referendum.
According to the final results, 67.1 percent of Irish voters approved the treaty, while 32.9 percent voted “no.” Turnout in the three-million electorate was 58 percent.
No Joke: Obama Wins Prize. Nobel Crashed

Duly Noted. George Handlery about the week that was. The imperfections a functioning democracy do not prove the validity of extremist ideals. The left-right axis connects totalitarian extremes. A challenge to dragon-killers. Foreign conquest needs be followed by forced assimilation. Mass movements and the dictatorial trap. Aiming at Obama: do not use slingshots. The future’s bliss and the evils of the present.
1. Just before submitting this material and while clicking to re-check the final draft, the news appeared that BO has received the Nobel Peace Price. Stunned, I double checked the info. It is serious. For some time, and I was not alone, I had the impression that the value of the non-science prices have sunk. I now know that “sunk” is the wrong word. Replace “sunk” with “crashed”. No! the analogy is a U-Boat on a one-way mission. As in down “yes”, up, “no”. Even if I would be an BO fan, after only a few months in power, such a price would be disturbing. The more so, since BO had unfolded his tent in the Oval Office only recently. Not surprisingly, besides announced good intentions, there were, and there could be, no results. The conclusion: The Nobel committee votes, albeit a few months late, firmly Democratic. It will remain resolutely committed to this position until it becomes clear that the ruling Dem is, alas, on a part time-basis also an American.